Nastran Interface 2022.1 Release Notes

Altair HyperMesh

New Features

Import option to handle preserved nodes

Figure 1.
1D meshing consolidation
Consolidated 1D beam tools and Marine Stiffener meshing.
Beam → Solid
New tool to create Solids from 1D beam with standard beamsection.

Figure 2.


3D visualization of taper beams
Limited to standard sections.

Figure 3.
Beam → Surfaces
  • Create properties or nodal thickness on shell mesh created.

    Figure 4.
  • Support for shell beamsections.

    Figure 5.
Section Property tool for Elastic and Shells
  • Section property now uses Elastic section config instead of Generic sections.
  • The tool can also generates shell beamsection with auto welds.

Resolved Issues

  • FE import reader crash caused by formatting of $HMNAME.
  • Application error while editing elements.
  • Incorrect ply thickness update in Matrix Browser for PCOMPG.
  • Incorrect import of CBEAM elements.