Optimising the Bandpass Filter with HyperStudy Using a POSTFEKO Session

Configure the bandpassfilter.pfs file with the S11 data to minimise the reflection coefficient in HyperStudy.

  1. Copy the files from %FEKO_HOME%/help/feko/example/ExampleGuide_models/Example-I04-HyperStudy_bandpass_filter_optimisation/opt_pfs to a work directory.
  2. In POSTFEKO open bandpassfilter.pfs.
  3. Run the Feko solver.
  4. Create a Cartesian graph and add the S11 trace from the SParamOpt request.

    Figure 1. The reflection coefficient (S11) of the bandpass filter before optimisation from 3.960 GHz to 4 GHz.
  5. Save the bandpassfilter.pfs file in the same location as the bandpassfilter.cfx.
  6. Click Application macro in the Scripting group.
    The scripts loaded in the Macro library is displayed.
    Figure 2. Example of the scripts available Application macro library.

  7. Click Utility and select Create HyperStudy extraction script.
    The extraction script bandpassfilter.cfx_extract.lua is created in the same directory as the bandpassfilter.pfs.
    Note: The trace on the Cartesian graph is extracted to the HyperStudy output file automatically. No additional scripting is required in the bandpassfilter.cfx_extract.lua file.
  8. Follow Step 2 to Step 31 to setup the optimisation in HyperStudy.