Data export to HyperView
This export enables to transfer data to HyperView.
The export generates a .h3d file compatible with HyperView and HyperGraph, and also with some other Altair suite software as OptiStruct or AcuSolve. This export is more dedicated to multiphysics coupling than visualing results in HyperView. User interested by the second workflow has the possibility to export to HyperView through scenario box (Please consult the following chapter for more details: Data Export to HyperView and HyperGraph)
- A file name
- If he wants the mesh to follow the associated mechanical set movement. It is
advised to leave this option by default, with following the movement. The
exported mesh and data will follow the movement in HyperView.Note: In HyperView, in order to visualize the movement, click on the following icon to be in Set Transient Animation Mode: