

The importation of a geometry from a Mechanical CAD file is an operation that consists of converting the geometry from the initial file (specific to the format) into entities of the Flux PEEC project, i.e. geometric entities of Point, Line, Face and Volume type.

The user then carries on the construction process of the geometry to simulate with the tools available in Flux PEEC (see the chapter " Geometry construction " for more details).


It is important to note that in Flux PEEC the user should build the geometry:

  • without defects
  • and compliant with the meshing criteria of the PEEC method.

A geometric defect, in the Flux PEEC sense, is an error in the geometrical construction: intersection of lines, superposition of points, etc. These defects can hinder and also block the process of geometry building: impossibility of building faces and/or building volumes.

Moreover, the geometry of an Flux PEEC project has to comply with the mesh requirements imposed by the PEEC method, that means that the volumes must be able to be affected to the conductors ( unidirectional or bidirectional ).

If the operations for the correction of the defects can be done in the standard working context of Flux PEEC, it is on the other hand very much easier to simplify the volumes in the dedicated context called " Context of CAD defeaturing ", especially if the geometry comes from a CAD importation.

Importation process

Considering the difficulties presented here above, the process of importation in Flux PEEC consists of two distinct stages, which are briefly described in the table below and detailed in the following paragraphs.