
The Points tool allows you to add points to models and edit point coordinates.

Points are one of the fundamental construction elements for multibody models built in MotionView. Also, almost all the entities that can be created in MotionView need to use points either for defining their location or orientation. Therefore the creation of points is an important task in model building within MotionView

Figure 1.
In MotionView you can create the following types of points:
  • Single Point
  • Point Pair (Asymmetric or Symmetric)

Point Entity Properties

A Point entity is defined by its three Cartesian coordinates X, Y and Z.

Figure 2. Point Entity – Properties Map

A Point entity (like most of the entities that are created in MotionView) can be a Single entity or a Pair entity. The Pair entities help in creating models which are symmetric about the Z-X Plane of the model. Their properties can also be symmetric about the Z-X Plane (in other words, the Y property is mirrored). Asymmetry or Symmetry of the points can be decided or specified when editing the created point.

The Points panel contains the following tabs:
  • Properties
  • Measure

Create Points

Add a point to the model with the Points tool.

  1. From the Project Browser, select the system to which the point is to be added.
  2. Right-click on a system folder in the Project Browser and select Add > Reference Entity > Point from the context menu.
    Right-click on a point folder in the Project Browser and select Add Point from the context menu.
    Right-click the Points panel button on the Reference toolbar.
    The Add Point or PointPair dialog opens.
  3. Click the System collector to identify the system or container into which the point will be created.
    The Model label means that the point will be created in the main model.

    By default, points are created in a model level Cartesian coordinate system called the Global Reference Frame. This is the only coordinate system currently available.

  4. Specify a label for the point.
  5. Specify a variable name for the point.
    By default, variable names of entities in MotionView follow a certain convention. For example, all point entities have a variable name starting with “p_”. This is the recommended convention to follow when building models in MotionView since it has many advantages in model editing and model manipulation.
  6. Select whether to create a single point or a point pair.
    A point entity, like most of the entities that are created in MotionView, can be a single entity or a pair entity. Pair entities help to create models that are symmetric about the Z-X plane of the model. Their properties can also be symmetric about the Z-X plane (in other words, the Y property is mirrored). Asymmetry or symmetry of the points can be decided or specified when editing the created point.
  7. Click OK to close the window or Apply to continue creating entities.
Tip: Create a new point from the Project Browser by right-clicking on the Model label (or any system/analysis of your choice) and selecting Add > Reference Entity > Point or by right-clicking Points and selecting New Point.

Edit Points

Change the coordinates of a point.

  1. If the Points panel is not currently displayed, select the desired point by clicking on it in the Project Browser or in the modeling window.
    The Points panel is automatically displayed.
  2. Edit the point's coordinates.
    Note: If the selected point is a pair entity, first distinguish between the Left and Right tabs in the panel, and then edit the properties.
    Tip: The Symmetric properties check box on the Properties tab allows you to turn symmetry on or off. When symmetry is turned off, both sides can be edited separately. When you turn on symmetry, you are prompted to select a leader side.
    • Click in the fields for the X, Y, and Z coordinates and enter a value for each coordinate.

      Figure 3.
    • Click on Node, left-click on any graphic node in the graphics area to extract the node's coordinates, and select Use Values.
      Note: The point’s coordinates are extracted from the node of a file graphic defined using an H3D file that exists in the model and is visible in the modeling window.
    • Click on Data Summary, select the text box of the desired point, and edit the values.

Measure the Distance Between Two Points

Find the distance between points in the x, y, and z directions.

  1. Select a point from the Project Browser.
  2. From the Points panel, click the Measure tab.
  3. Select a reference marker using the Marker collector.
  4. Select a first and a second point from the modeling window.
    The distance between the two points, as well as the magnitude, is displayed.