MV-8600: Road Reference Marker
In this tutorial you will learn how to modify the road property file and road reference marker to position a plank road in a single tire model.
- Introduction
Road reference marker is the coordinate system that is used by MotionSolve to evaluate the position and orientation of the road. The road file will be evaluated with respect to the road reference marker which is also included in the Auto Tire system attachment.
Figure 1. - Road Reference Marker - TNO Plank Road Model
The TNO Plank Road is represented by flat road with a single cleat (cuboid obstacle) that can be oriented in perpendicular or oblique direction related to the X-axis of the Road Reference Marker.
Figure 2. Plank Road Oriented by the Road Reference MarkerThe Offset is the distance of the ground with respect to the Z-axis of the Road Reference Marker. Length measures the width of the plank along X-axis. Rotation angle XY plane is the positive X-axis of the road with respect to the inertial frame. START parameter indicates the distance along the X-axis of the road from the origin to the start of the plank.
In this tutorial you will learn how to modify the road property file and road reference marker to position the plank road in a single tire model. By plotting the tire forces vs tire patch location, you will understand the influence of the marker and road property in the simulation results.
- Files Required
- The following files listed in the table are required for the tutorial. Copy
the given files, located in the
mbd_modeling\road_marker folder, to your
<working directory>.
Files File Type RoadRefMarker.mdl MDL File TNO_PlankRoad.rdf Road Property File