Create an assembly and add parts to it in the Model Browser.

- Press F2 to open the Model Browser.
- Right-click a part or assembly in the Model Browser, and then click New Assembly on the context menu.
- Type the name of the new assembly and press Enter.
- Drag parts or assemblies onto the target assembly.
- To copy a part into an assembly rather than moving it, hold down Ctrl while releasing the left mouse button.
- When you create a new assembly or move parts between assemblies, this creates a new construction feature in the history. New Assembly and Restructure construction features cannot be suppressed or deleted.
- Parts and subassemblies within an assembly are positioned in space relative to the parent assembly. If you translate or rotate a parent assembly in the modeling window, its parts and subassemblies move with it.
- Assemblies do not have their own color, visibility, or material properties. Changing any of these properties for an assembly actually applies the change to the individual parts within the assembly down to the lowest level in the hierarchy.