ExtensionManager (hwx.gui)

The ExtensionManager class is used to register and load user-defined extensions in the Extension Manager.

An extension provides the means to extend the application through shared libraries or scripts. Use extensions to create new clients, profiles, contexts, model views etc. Sample extensions that illustrate the various use cases are included in the Extension Manager. All the extensions located under the default extensions directory (/Documents/Altair/CustomPlugins) specified under the preferences dialog are automatically registered by the Extension Manager.

An Extension is a physical folder with extension.xml and related scripts and resources placed in it. An extension.xml is the manifest file for the extension that defines metadata of the extension such as name, version, minimum supported product version etc.

Table 1. Supported attributes in extension.xml

Attributes Description
name Name of the Extension
minProductVersion The minimum version of the product that is supported by this extension.
description A short description about this extension that is displayed in the Extension Manager user interface.
documentation HTML file with the detailed description of the extension that can be opened in a web browser through the Extension Manager UI.
author The author of this extension.
script Script that should be executed when this extension is loaded.
resources Location of the resourcess’ directory relative to the extensions’ directory.
settings An xml file that defines the settings of this extension.
advancedToolTip An xml file that defines the tooltips related to this extension.
workFlowHelp An xml file that defines the workflow help content of this extension.
required The plugin that should be loaded as a pre-requisite for this extension.
extends The plugin after which this plugin is an auto loaded.
client The name of the client that is implemented in this extension or the name of the client to which the profile implemented in this extension belongs to.
profile The name of the profile implemented in this extension.

Public Methods

get (self)
getExtensionManager ()
load (self, name)
onUnload (self, callback)
register (self, path)
unload (self, name)
unregister (self, name)

Method Details


Returns the singleton instance of the Extension Manager.


Returns the singleton instance of the Extension Manager.

load(self, name)

Load a registered extension.

This runs the plugin script making it active.

param name:The name specified in the extensions’s plugin.xml
type name:str
onUnload(self, callback)

Register function to cleanup the currently loading plugin.

Make sure to remove any gui (typically SpriteActions).

param callback:Cleanup function
type callback:function
register(self, path)

Register an extension

This makes it appear in the File->Extension Manager. Use extensionManager.load to activate it.

param path:Path to a plugin.xml or a directory containing one.
type path:str
unload(self, name)

Unloads an extension.

Any Actions added by the plugin are removed from the gui.

param name:The name specified in the extensions’s plugin.xml
type name:str
unregister(self, name)

Unregister an extension.

param name:The name specified in the extensions’s plugin.xml
type name:str