ParameterManager (hwx.common)

Defines a variable for the use in sketching and geometric tools.

Variables can be created, updated or deleted from the model. It is accessible like a dict.

Public Methods

add (self, name, type, expression, comment=’’)
clear (self)
exportToFile (self, file)
get (self, name)
importFile (self, file)
remove (self, name)
rename (self, oldName, newName)
update (self, name, type=None, expression=None, comment=None)

Method Details

add(self, name, type, expression, comment='')

Creates a new Variable.

param name:Name of the variable.
type name:str
param type:Specifies the type of Variable. It can be: Length, Angle, String and Unitless.
type type:UnitType
param expression:
 Value of the variable on basis of the type.
type expression:
 str, float
param comment:User added comments for the variable.
type comment:str

Clears all the variables.

exportToFile(self, file)

Exports all the variable into a csv file.

param file:Csv file path to export all the variables.
type file:str
get(self, name)

Returns a variable by the specified name.

param name:Name of the variable to return.
type name:str
returns:The found variable.
importFile(self, file)

Imports variables from a specified csv file.

param file:Csv file to import.
type file:str
remove(self, name)

Removes a variable by its specified name.

param name:Name of the variable.
type name:str
rename(self, oldName, newName)

Renames the variable from the specified old name to new name.

param oldName:The old variable name.
type oldName:str
param newName:The new variable name.
type newName:str
update(self, name, type=None, expression=None, comment=None)

Updates the variable from the specified variable name.

param name:Name of the variable.
type name:str
param type:Specifies the type of Variable. It can be: Length, Angle, String and Unitless.
type type:UnitType
param expression:
 Value of the variable on basis of the type.
type expression:
 str, float
param comment:User added comments for the variable.
type comment:str