TranslationalInitialCondition (hwx.inspire.motion)

Defines translational velocity for one or more parts.

Velocity initial conditions can be used to set parts into motion immediately with a prescribed velocity. In this way no “ramp up” time is required, unlike what you see when using a velocity actuator which has a profile function that begins from a velocity of zero.



active: Bool direction: Direction location: Location
magnitude: Double name: Attribute parts: Attribute
referenceFrame: Attribute rigidGroups: Attribute visible: Bool

Attribute Details

active : Bool

Returns or sets the object activeness.

Setting this on or off sets all children. Setting to True sets all the parents active too.

direction : Direction

Specifies the direction of the initial condition object..

location : Location (units=”length”)

Specifies the location of the initial condition object.

magnitude : Double (units=”velocity”)

Specifies the magnitude of the initial velocity.

name : Attribute

Returns or sets the name of the object.

It can be any text string, including spaces, although it’s best to avoid using the following characters: ” ‘ * ? and $.

While these characters are allowed, they could create difficulties when you export the model to other applications.

parts : Attribute

List of parts for which initial conditions are specified.

referenceFrame : Attribute

Specifies a reference system.

  • Positionable: The position of the initial condition is set using the Move tool.
  • System: The direction is dictated by the selected local system.

rigidGroups : Attribute

List of rigid group which initial conditions are specified.

visible : Bool

Determines whether the object is visible in the modeling window.

Setting this on or off sets all children. Setting to True sets all the parents visible too.