Set Up and Run a CFD simulation

Run a CFD simulation using default or custom settings.

CFD Quick Run

Use the default settings to run a CFD simulation for the selected parts.

  1. On the Fluids ribbon, click the Run CFD Simulation button in the Analyze CFD tool group.

  2. Let the analysis run to completion.

Custom CFD Run

Run a CFD simulation with custom settings.

  1. On the Fluids ribbon, click the Custom CFD Run tool in the Run CFD Analysis tool group.

  2. Customize the settings:
    Table 1. Simulation tab
    Option Description
    Name Enter the name of the simulation.
    Low-High Resolution Drag the slider to the left for a fast, low resolution simulation. Drag the slider to the right to increase the resolution.
    Voxel Size Define the size of the voxel mesh used for the calculation.
    Estimated No. of Voxels The approximate number of voxels in the mesh used for the calculation.
    Max. Facet Size Enter the facet size of the surface mesh used to visualize the results.
    Curve Chord Angle Define how closely the curve is approximated with straight sections in the mesh. For a finer mesh, decrease this value. For a coarser mesh, increase this value.
    Table 2. Advanced tab
    Option Description
    Termination Criteria Stop the simulation when the selected criteria are met.
    • Physics and Equations: Stop the simulation when both the Physics and Equations criteria are met.
    • Physics or Equations: Stop the simulation when either the Physics or Equations criteria are met, whichever occurs first.
    • Physics: Stop the simulation when the Physics convergence criteria are met.
    • Equations: Stop the simulation when the Equations criteria are met.
    Convergence Speed Control the time step size used to pursue a steady solution. Larger values may lead to instability for some simulations.
    Max. Time Steps Define the maximum number of time steps allowed in the simulation.
    Flow Type Select a flow type.
    • Turbulent: Turbulent flow is characterized by chaotic particle movement. Most engineering flows of interest are turbulent.
    • Laminar: Laminar flow occurs when a fluid flows in parallel layers. This only appears at very low Reynolds numbers.
    Note: To restore the default settings, click the Reset button and select Defaults.
  3. Click the Run button.



  1. 将鼠标悬停在分析图标上,然后选择运行状态工具


  2. 当运行结束后,查看其状态。
    状态 描述 注意
    运行成功结束。 “分析”图标上的绿色旗帜也表明运行成功结束。点击绿色旗帜显示结果。



    运行失败,没有产生有意义的结果。 “分析”图标上的红色旗帜也表明运行失败。
  3. 查看一个或更多运行。
    • 要查看运行,双击所在行。
    • 要查看多个运行,按住 CtrlShift 键的同时点击行,然后点击现在查看按钮。
      注: 如果多个运行都与同一个零件相关联,有关该零件的最新的运行结果将会显示在模型视窗中。
  • 要打开存储运行的文件夹,右击运行名称并选择打开运行文件夹
  • 要查看删除的或之前查看的运行,请点击记录按钮。
  • 要删除运行,选择该运行并按 Delete 键。您可以在“分析浏览器”和“模型浏览器”中使用右键菜单删除运行。



  1. 将鼠标悬停在分析分析 CFD 图标上,然后选择运行状态工具


  2. 查看运行状态。
    状态 描述 注意



  3. 要查看运行,双击所在行。
  • 要打开存储运行的文件夹,右击运行名称并选择“打开运行文件夹”。保存运行记录的默认目录可以在“运行选项”下的“偏好设置”中进行更改。
  • 默认情况下,当运行记录超过一定大小后,用户将收到通知。您可以在“运行选项”下的“偏好设置”中更改尺寸限制或关闭通知。
  • 要删除运行,选择该运行并按 Delete 键。