Show CFD Results

View the results of a CFD simulation in the Analysis Explorer.

On the Fluids ribbon, select the View CFD Results tool in the Analyze CFD tool group.

Analysis Explorer Options

The Analysis Explorer includes the following options.


The most recent analysis run is shown in the modeling window by default. To view the results from a different analysis, click on the appropriate item in the list of runs at the top of the Analysis Explorer.

To delete a run from the Analysis Explorer, right-click the run name to select Delete Run.

Result Types

CFD analysis produces a variety of different result types including pressure, velocity, and temperature. Click on an item in the Result Types list to view the results.


The pressure result type shows how much pressure your model is under when fluids are applied. The areas of the model that are the reddest have the most pressure.


The velocity result type shows how much velocity your model is under when fluids are applied. The areas of the model that are the reddest have the most velocity.


The temperature result type shows how much temperature your model is under when fluids are applied. The areas of the model that are the reddest have the highest temperature.

Results Slider

The results slider is scalable and provides a color gradient for the selected result type.

  • To change the upper or lower bound for the results slider, click on the bound and enter a new value. Click the reset button to restore the default values.
  • To filter the results so that areas on the model with results greater than a specified value are masked, click and drag the arrow on the results slider. To mask areas with results less than the specified value, click and select Flip Mask. Select the arrow to enter a specific value.
  • To change the legend color for the result type, click the icon next to the results slider and select Legend Colors.

Show/Hide Elements

When the Analysis Explorer is active, an additional Show/Hide Elements icon appears under the view controls in the lower left corner of the modeling window.

Show Options

Determine what is made visible in the modeling window when viewing analysis results. You can show or hide the initial shape, loads and supports, deformation, and/or contours.

Option Description Note
Show/Hide Initial Shape Show/hide the initial shape as a reference.  
Show/Hide All Loads and Supports Show/hide loads and supports. You can also show only the current loads and supports.  
Show/Hide Deformed State Show/hide the deformed shape as a reference.  
Show/Hide Contours Show/hide contours.  
  • Interpolate during animation: Animate the result contour.
  • Blended contours: Toggle between blended and nonblended contours.
  • Vector plot: Display the direction vectors for the displacement result type.
Show/Hide Elements Show/hide the element edges. This icon appears under the view controls in the lower left of the modeling window, but only when the Analysis Explorer is active.



选项 描述 注意

  • 点击 图标,然后点击模型上的一个点来创建数据明细。
  • 创建数据明细后,点击 图标以在模型视窗中显示/隐藏数据明细。


  • 点击 图标以在模型视窗中显示/隐藏数据明细。
  • 选择一行,即可在模型视窗中选中相应的数据明细。
  • 点击列标题,为该列排序。点击可在升序和降序之间切换。
  • 右键点击一个列标题即可更改要显示的结果类型并为列排序。


注: 选中安全系数后,即显示最小值。
  • 当您点击 图标时,模型上会自动生成数据明细。
  • 点击模型视窗中的最小/最大数据明细,在同一位置创建一个常规数据明细。
绘制 显示为结构分析所定义的数据明细的时间关系图。对“结果类型”选项所做的更改将与“分析浏览器”上的设置同步。使用该选项可以将多个混合类型的图表放在一个页面上。 此选项仅可用于运动零件分析结果。

注: 如果您在数据明细中启用了“对比结果”功能,则数据明细将变为静态。
创建了特定结果类型的数据明细后,点击 图标,然后选择一个不同的结果类型。数据明细中的值反应了新的结果类型。

Style Options

Visualize the results as static streamlines, animated streamlines, or vectors.

Option Description
Static Streamlines

Visualize the results as static streamlines. In the microdialog, you can adjust the following parameters:
  • Diameter: Define the diameter of each streamline, which is rendered as a tube.
  • Density: Define the density of streamlines displayed.
Animated Streamlines

Only available if Streamlines is turned on.
Click the icon once to visualize the results as animated streamlines. Click the icon again to jump to the end of the animation.


Visualize the results as vectors. In the microdialog, you can adjust the following parameters:
  • Length: Define the length of each vector.
  • Density: Define the density of vectors displayed.