Configuring an Advanced Report Search
With advanced searches you can specify multiple index values for the same index field. For example, using the OR Boolean operator, you could specify Betty's Music Store, Big Shanty Music, Fandangos Records and so on, as index values for the Customer Name index field. As a result, all reports with any one of the specified customer names in the Customer Name field would be retrieved.
Advanced searches can include both the AND and the OR Boolean operators to link multiple search conditions. They can also include any relational operators.
So if you want to configure a search that will retrieve very specific information, and configuration speed is of no concern, then an advanced search would be a better choice than a simple one.
But advanced searches take longer to configure than simple searches.
To configure an advanced report search
Click the Report Search tab.
Select the Advanced tab.
Select one or several document groups from the list.
Note: To select multiple document groups, hold down the CTRL key, while you click their names. To select all document groups, click Select All below the list.
Click the Select button below the list. A list of document types, assigned to the selected document groups, appears on the right.
Select one or several document types from the list.
Note: To select multiple document types, hold down the CTRL key, while you click their names. To select all document types, click Select All below the list.
Click the Select button below the list. The Search section of the page appears.
Specify the report date or date range in the From and/or To fields. You can manually enter dates in the date fields (mm/dd/yyyy), or you can click the
icon and select dates from the Calendar window.
Note: This step is optional. But if no dates are supplied,
all reports in the Monarch Server system of the specified document type
are included in the search.
You can also select the Latest
Reports check box, to include all reports
that were added to the system during the last filing.
Use the Annotation Criteria list to specify whether annotated or not-annotated reports are to be included in the search. This list contains the following options: All Reports, Not-Annotated Reports Only, Annotated Reports Only.
Note: This step is optional. Annotation criteria selection is available under the corresponding license.
Under the Filters heading, click the Add condition button. A row of fields will appear.
Select a Boolean operator (AND or OR) from the list. While the AND operator can be used to link search criteria of different index fields, the OR operator can only be used to link search criteria of the same index field.
Select an index field from the list. The list contains index fields that are used in the selected document types.
Select a relational operator: equal to (=), not equal to (<>), less than (<), greater than (>), less than or equal to (<=), greater than or equal to (>=).
Enter an index value. To look up available index values, click the Lookup button.
To add another condition, click the Add condition button, and repeat steps 10-13. To remove a condition, click the Remove button.
Note: You can save this combination of search conditions, by clicking the Save Filter button. Next time when you search for documents, you can apply this filter, by selecting it from the drop-down list, and clicking the Add Filter button.
Submit the search, by clicking the Search button.
Note: If you want to reconfigure the search,click the Clear button.
After you submit the search, the Report List appears, displaying the reports that match your search criteria. You can display the search results in a number of views (for example, Report View, Data View, and so on).