SS-V: 1130 Skew Plate Under Pressure

Test No. VS14Find the maximum principle stress at the skew plate center at point E.


Figure 1.

A skew plate (Figure 1) is subjected to uniform pressure.

The load is 0.7 KPa. The plate is simply supported at the perimeter: Uz = 0 along edges AB, BC, CD, and AD. Ux = Uy = 0 at point A and Uy = 0 at point B to prevent rigid body motion.

The material properties are:
Modulus of Elasticity
2.1e+11 Pa
Poisson's Ratio


Two spot-points were created at the plate corners A and B in the mid-plane. This allows for application of constraints which eliminate rigid in-plane translation-rotations of the plate (Figure 2).

Figure 2.
To simulate simple supports, four spot-lines were created at the plate mid-plane around the plate perimeter (Figure 3).
Figure 3.
Vertical constraint Uz = 0 was applied to the spot-lines.
Final loading is shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4.
Maximum principle stress distribution at the plate bottom is shown in Figure 5.
  Reference Solution* SimSolid % Difference
Maximum Principle Stress [MPa] 8.0200E-01 8.223E-01 2.5%
*The reference solution is from analytical solution for thin plate formation.

Figure 5.