Output View

The Output View consists of two tab sheets. The Tasks tab displays the progress of currently active tasks. The Events tab lists all events of the session with a corresponding time stamp.

The Output View can be accessed by selecting View > Show Output View or by moving the mouse cursor over the Output button on the bottom of the main window. The Output View can slide in and out automatically or can be pined by pressing the pin button.

The content of the Output View (both tab sheets) can be cleared by selecting View > Clear Output View.

Figure 1. The Output view in CoMan - Tasks tab.

If the option Write Log File is enabled on the General tab of the Settings dialog, the content of the Tasks tab will be written to the specified log file after a computation has finished. Using the context menu, it is also possible to write log file manually. 

The content of the tab will be cleared automatically before a new simulation starts. Beyond this, the tab can be cleared via context menu, as well.

Figure 2. The Output view in CoMan - Events tab.

If the option Write Log File is enabled on the General tab of the Settings dialog, the content of the Tasks tab will be written to the specified log file after choosing the corresponding option from the context menu.

The content of the tab can be cleared manually using the context menu. The event list can be sorted by clicking on one of the column headers.