Edit a Custom Resource

Change the priority of a queue.

  1. Click the Configure tab.
  2. Choose the HPC to configure.

    Choose an HPC
    Figure 1. Choose an HPC
  3. Click Resources from the PBS Professional menu located on the left-hand side of the web page.
  4. Click located to the right of the resource you want to edit.

    Figure 2. Resources
  5. Optional: For Type, choose an option to set the data type of the resource.
  6. Optional: For Flag (value), choose at what level the resource is available.
  7. Optional: Enable one of the following options for the resource permissions:
    • Invisible - Users cannot view or request the resource. Users cannot qalter a resource request for this resource.
    • R - Users can view the resource, but cannot request it or qalter a resource request for this resource.
    • RW - Users can view and request the resource, and qalter a resource request for this resource.
  8. Click to save the changes.