Finds and draws contours in an image.
R = findcontourscv(handle, mode, method...)
R = findcontourscv(handle, mode, method, offset, color, thickness, type)
- handle
- Handle of an image.
- mode
- Contour retrieval mode. Valid values are:
- 0
- Mode cv::RETR_EXTERNAL: Retrieves extreme outer contours.
- 1
- Type cv::RETR_LIST: Retrieves all contours.
- 2
- Type cv::RETR_CCOMP: Retrieves contours, organizes in 2-level hierarchy.
- 3
- Type cv::RETR_TREE: Retrieves contours, reconstructs full hierarchy of nested contours.
- 4
- method
- Contour approximation method. Valid values are:
- 1
- Mode cv::CHAIN_APPROX_NONE: Stores all contour points.
- 2
- Type cv::CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE: Compresses horizontal, vertical and diagonal segments.
- 3
- Type cv::CHAIN_APPROX_TC89_L1: Applies a flavor of Teh-Chin chain approximation algorithm.
- 4
- Type cv::CHAIN_APPROX_TC89_KCOS: Applies a flavor of Teh-Chin chain approximation algorithm.
- offset
- Optional offset by which every contour point is shifted. Must be a two-element integral vector.
- color
- Optional color used for drawing contours. If no color is specified, randomized colors are used. If specified, it must be a 3-element integral vector.
- thickness
- Optional parameter specifying the thickness of the contour line drawn. Default value is 1.
- type
- Optional parameter specifying the type of contour drawn.
Default value of type is 8. Valid values are:
- 1
- cv::FILLED: Filled line.
- 4
- cv::LINE_4: Line is drawn using 4-connected Bresenham algorithm.
- 8(default)
- cv::LINE_8: Line is drawn using 8-connected Bresenham algorithm.
- 16
- cv::LINE_AA: Antialiased line.
- R
- Handle of the output image.
src = imreadcv('cv2.jpg');
mode = 0;
method = 2;
R = findcontourscv(src, mode, method);

Figure 1. Input image

Figure 2. Output image