Use OML Functions in HyperWorks Products
OML functions can be registered from the Compose graphical user interface or via a preference file and later opened in certain HyperWorks products.
Once registered, the OML functions are accessible in the following products, without invoking Compose: HyperGraph, HyperStudy, MotionView, and the HyperMesh Matrix Browser.
Register OML Functions in Compose
This method allows you to automatically register OML functions directly from Compose.
To register a written function, make sure it is saved on disk first (*.oml file).
Register OML Functions Using a Preference File
You can register a function by creating a preference file and explicitly registering it with HyperWorks Desktop.
After registering an *.oml file with the *RegisterOMLFunction() statement in a HyperWorks preference file, the OML functions in the file are available in the following HyperWorks applications, just like any other internal math function: HyperStudy (response functions), TextView, HyperView (notes), HyperGraph (curves, notes, datum lines, and plot labels), and Templex.
The path to the Compose installation is required for the HyperWorks application to use a specific version of Compose:
where path is the path to the Compose installation.
The syntax for the *RegisterOMLFunction() statement is:
*RegisterOMLFunction(Function, File, Parameters)
- Function
- The name of the OML function. This is a string.
- File
- The name of the OML file where the function resides. This is a string.
- Parameters
- The number of parameters that the function accepts as input. This is for syntax presentation only.
where mymean is the function in the mymean.oml file and that function takes one argument as input.
function y = mymean(x)
b = 0.2*ones(1,5);
a = 1;
y = filter(b,a,x);
Use an OML function in an OptiStruct DRESP3 Bulk Data Entry
In OptiStruct, the DRESP3 Bulk Data Entry allows you to define responses through user-defined external functions.