Launch a Simulation via Windows Terminal

Launch with CMD

  1. Open a CMD window through either of the following methods:
    • Double-click the set_nFX_environment.bat file.
    • Run relative/or/absolute/path/to/set_nFX_environment.bat in an already open CMD window to set solver paths.
    Note: The shell window type changes to PowerShell (PS).
  2. Change to your case directory. Although it is possible to use absolute paths, it is recommended to use relative paths.
  3. Run nFX_SP -i case.cfg.

Launch with PowerShell

  1. Open a PowerShell window and run relative/or/absolute/path/to/set_nFX_environment.ps1.
    You may need to set your PowerShell execution policy to “Unrestricted” by typing one of the following commands before running the script:
    • Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope CurrentUser

      This command allows for the execution of scripts for the current user permanently until changed. This may or may not be a security risk, depending on the user behavior.

    • Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope Process

      This command allows for temporary execution of scripts within the current PowerShell session. It has to be input for every new PowerShell window, if no other permanent method of setting execution policy has been used.

  2. Change to your case directory. Although it is possible to use absolute paths, it is recommended to use relative paths.
  3. Run nFX_SP -i case.cfg.

nanoFluidX auxiliaries (nanoFluidX[c], nanoFluidX[p], nanoFluidX[m])

The script set_nFX_environment.bat/.ps1 also sets the environment for the nanoFluidX auxiliaries and they can be run through nanoFluidX[c], nanoFluidX[p], and nanoFluidX[m] (no need for .exe extension) and passing the relevant options. For example:

  1. nFXc --nfx nfxccase.cfg
  2. nFXp -i case.cfg
  3. nFXm -f PATH
Remember: Windows style paths with backslash “\” are not supported. This is important when using nanoFluidX[c]. Use of relative paths is encouraged.