Energy equation in nanoFluidX is implemented so that it accommodates for conduction and convection heat transfer with initial or Dirichlet boundary
Direct export of the heat transfer coefficient on provided .stl surfaces is possible in nanoFluidX. This section clarifies some of the theoretical aspects of the implementation.
Standard SPH interpolation heavily depends on the basic premise that each particle has the so called full support.
Full support implies that the owner particles can see particles all around itself within the smoothing length of the
particle, which mathematically implies that the sum of the kernel, also known as Shepard coefficient, is equal
to one.
New viscosity-temperature coupling (viscTempCoupling) has been introduced into the nanoFluidX code as an option. Three models were implemented: polynomial, Sutherland, and power law.
Aeration-viscosity models were depracated in the 2022 release because the models involved required a set of parameters
which were difficult to obtain and/or required calibration.
Energy Equation
Energy equation in nanoFluidX is implemented so that it accommodates for conduction and convection heat transfer with initial or Dirichlet boundary conditions.
Heat Transfer Coefficient (HTC)
Direct export of the heat transfer coefficient on provided .stl surfaces is possible in nanoFluidX. This section clarifies some of the theoretical aspects of the implementation.
Frame Suite
Description of the sliding frame functionality as a part of the nanoFluidX frame suite feature.
Free Surface Formulation
Standard SPH interpolation heavily depends on the basic premise that each particle has the so called full support. Full support implies that the owner particles can see particles all around itself within the smoothing length of the particle, which mathematically implies that the sum of the kernel, also known as Shepard coefficient, is equal to one.
Inlet Regions
Inlet regions mimic the behavior of inlets with a superposed impose region and allow spawning particles anywhere within the computational domain.
Keychain Validator
Keychain validator compares the keychains in the .cfg file with valid nanoFluidX keychains, when activated.
Viscosity-Temperature Dependence Models
New viscosity-temperature coupling (viscTempCoupling) has been introduced into the nanoFluidX code as an option. Three models were implemented: polynomial, Sutherland, and power law.
Aeration-Viscosity Models
Aeration-viscosity models were depracated in the 2022 release because the models involved required a set of parameters which were difficult to obtain and/or required calibration.