Altair nanoFluidX 2022.1 Release Notes


  • Single GPU nanoFluidX is available for Windows for the first time. The full feature set of nanoFluidX can be used on a Windows system with a supported CUDA capable GPU.

New Features

Single GPU nanoFluidX is available for Windows for the first time. The full feature set of nanoFluidX can be used on a Windows system with a supported CUDA capable GPU.
Contact Angle
The Tartakovsky surface tension model allows the contact angle for wall phases to be specified. Enabling the contact angle parameter allows simulation of hydrophilic (<90 degrees) and hydrophobic (>90degrees) wetting behavior in single phase flows.


Library Updates
  • nanoFluidX libraries have been updated and ship with OpenMPI 4.1.2 and NVIDIA CUDA 11.6.2.
  • Ensight files created by nanoFluidXc can be created in an unstructured format for the fluid grid.
  • Bodyforce files can have the latch option enforced so that force is extrapolated if simulation time is outside of the bodyforce file range.

Known Issues

The following known issues will be addressed in a future release as we continuously improve performance of the software:
  • Inlet regions must always use the temperature set for the phase globally. It is not currently possible to set incoming fluid as a different temperature if that fluid phase is already in the domain.

Resolved Issues

UTM Files
  • UTM motion files were discarded if a restart was performed. This meant that UTM files of a restart run executed in the same directory as the clean run would only contain data from the current recon run. This resulted in static intervals in the MOVINGWALL renders in ParaView.