
When risk and issue areas are identified, and their root cause (mode shapes and frequency), one can setup an optimization solver deck to get solution proposals. In the squeak and rattle world, problems are catergorized as follows:
  • Systematic Issues
  • Non-systematic Issues

Systematic Issues

  • Problems that will appear consistently across the population of products, independently of tolerance variations or small changes in the structure.
  • Identified to be profound Design issues that require change of mounting strategy.
SnRD Optimization Module enable the analyst to setup a 1D topology optimization to highlight and find the prominent locations to add or position fixation points

Non-systematic Issues

  • Problems that will appear in a portion of the population of products. They highly depend on tolerances and variations, and are often not detected during physical validation due to a lack of representative tested population.
  • Typical root cause is a lack of local stiffness.
SnRD Optimization Module enable the analyst to setup a 2D free-size topology optimization to highlight the load paths and areas to reinforce. Often, an interpretation to feasible design is required by the design and manufacturing team

On the Analysis side, the optimization input deck is generated automatically with all required solver cards. The solution type is a Modal Frequency Analysis, where the objective is to minimize Relative Modal displacement at one or multiple locations for a specific frequency, or a frequency range defined. In the case of the 2D free-size optimization, the analyst can define the allowable thickness range for the selected parts.