Processing math: 100%


Material entities define and store material definitions for a model.

Materials do not have a display state in the modeling window. You can color the model according to the colors assigned to each material, which is based on element material relationships, by changing the color mode to material.

Element material relationships are dependent on the solver interface. In general, when a component is assigned a material, that material assignment is applied to all elements collected by that component. The method of assigning materials at the component level is therefore referred to as indirect material assignment. Direct material assignment is performed directly on the elements themselves, typically via a property assignment. Direct material assignments always take precedence over indirect property and material assignments.

Abaqus Cards

The material keywords *MATERIAL, *GASKET MATERIAL, and *CONNECTOR BEHAVIOR are supported in the ABAQUS_MATERIAL, GASKET_MATERIAL and CONNECTOR_BEHAVIOR card images, respectively.

Abaqus has a large selection of material types, many of which are not supported. In the Abaqus solver interface, material cards can be imported as generic materials. Generic materials are assigned the GENERIC_MATERIAL card image, and all material sub-options, parameters, and data lines are imported as simple text.

The validity or syntax of data is not checked when material cards are imported as generic materials. You must manually check the validity of the data. This method is helpful when material models are already defined, and are imported for the purpose of adding them to the corresponding sectional properties. No editing, updating, or review of the material data is intended.

The Generic Material setting can be enabled in the File Options dialog, that opens when you import a solver deck. You can also add an **HM_GENERIC_MATERIAL comment before a material card to have it imported as a generic material.

User comments blocks are supported for all materials. These comments are preserved during import and export of the Abaqus solver deck.

Card Description
*BIAXIAL TEST DATA Provides biaxial test data (compression and/or tension).
*BRITTLE CRACKING Define cracking and postcracking properties for the brittle cracking material model.
*BRITTLE FAILURE Used with the brittle cracking material model to specify brittle failure of the material.
*BRITTLE SHEAR Define the postcracking shear behavior of a material used in a brittle cracking model.
*CLAY HARDENING Define piecewise linear hardening/softening of the Cam-clay plasticity yield surface.
*CLAY PLASTICITY Specify the plastic part of the material behavior for elastic-plastic materials that use the extended Cam-clay plasticity model.
*COMBINED TEST DATA Simultaneously defines the normalized shear and bulk compliance or relaxation moduli as functions of time.
Note: Must be used in conjunction with the *VISCOELASTIC option.

Cannot be used if the *SHEAR TEST DATA and *VOLUMETRIC TEST DATA options are used.

*CONDUCTIVITY Defines thermal conductivity.
Note: Sub-option in the ABAQUS_MATERIAL card image.
*CONNECTOR BEHAVIOR Begins the specification of a connector behavior.
*CONNECTOR CONSTITUTIVE REFERENCE Defines reference lengths and angles to be used in specifying connector constitutive behavior.
Note: Sub-option in the CONNECTOR_BEHAVIOR card image.
*CONNECTOR CONTACT FORCE Defines the damping behavior for connector elements.
Note: Sub-option in the CONNECTOR_BEHAVIOR card image.
*CONNECTOR DAMPING Defines connector damping behavior.
Note: Sub-option in the CONNECTOR_BEHAVIOR card image.
*CONNECTOR DERIVED COMPONENTS Define user-customized components from numbered components.
*CONNECTOR ELASTICITY Defines connector elastic behavior.
Note: Sub-option in the CONNECTOR_BEHAVIOR card image.
*CONNECTOR FAILURE Defines a failure criterion for connector elements.
Note: Sub-option in the CONNECTOR_BEHAVIOR card image.

Only available in the Explicit template.


(Abaqus 6.4 version)

Defines friction forces and moments in connector elements.
Note: Sub-option in the CONNECTOR_BEHAVIOR card image.

(Abaqus 6.5 or later version)

Defines friction forces and moments in connector elements.
Note: Sub-option in the CONNECTOR_BEHAVIOR card image.

A *FRICTION card is needed, which can be created as a property using the FRICTION card image.

*CONNECTOR HARDENING Defines the initial yield surface size and, optionally, the post-yield hardening behavior in connector available components of relative motion.
Note: Sub-option in the CONNECTOR_BEHAVIOR card image.
*CONNECTOR LOCK Defines a locking criterion for connector elements.
Note: Sub-option in the CONNECTOR_BEHAVIOR card image.
*CONNECTOR PLASTICITY Defines plasticity behavior in connector elements. It must be used in conjunction with the *CONNECTOR HARDENING option.
*CONNECTOR POTENTIAL Define a restricted set of mathematical functions to represent yield or limiting surfaces in the space spanned by connector available components.
*CONNECTOR STOP Defines connector stops for connector elements.
Note: Sub-option in the CONNECTOR_BEHAVIOR card image.
*CREEP Defines a creep law.
Note: Sub-option in both the ABAQUS_MATERIAL and *GASKET MATERIAL card images.

Only available in the Standard templates.

*CREEP LAW Creep damage material model.
*CRUSHABLE FOAM Defines the crushable foam plasticity model.
Note: Sub-option in the ABAQUS_MATERIAL card image.
*CRUSHABLE FOAM HARDENING Defines hardening for the crushable foam plasticity model.
Note: Sub-option in the ABAQUS_MATERIAL card image.
*DAMPING Defines material damping.
Note: Sub-option in the ABAQUS_MATERIAL card image.
*DETONATION POINT Defines detonation points for a JWL explosive equation of state.
Note: Sub-option in the ABAQUS_MATERIAL card image. Available when *EOS, Type=JWL is selected.

Only available for Abaqus/Explicit.

*DENSITY Defines material mass density.
Note: Sub-option in the ABAQUS_MATERIAL card image.
*DIELECTRIC Defines dielectric material properties.
Note: Sub-option in the ABAQUS_MATERIAL card image.
*ELASTIC Defines elastic material properties.
Note: Sub-option in the ABAQUS_MATERIAL card image.
*ELECTRIC CONDUCTIVITY Defines electrical conductivity
*EOS Defines a hydrodynamic material model in the form of an equation of state.
Note: Sub-option in the ABAQUS_MATERIAL card image.

It is only available for Abaqus/Explicit.

*EOS COMPACTION Defines plastic compaction behavior for a hydrodynamic material.
Note: Sub-option in the ABAQUS_MATERIAL card image. Available when *EOS, Type=USUP / TABULAR is selected.

It is only available for Abaqus/Explicit.

*EXPANSION Defines thermal expansion.
Note: Sub-option in both the ABAQUS_MATERIAL and *GASKET MATERIAL card images.
*FABRIC Define the in-plane behavior of a fabric material under plane stress conditions.
*FLUID BEHAVIOR Defines fluid behavior for a fluid cavity.
*GASKET BEHAVIOR Begins the specification of a gasket behavior.
Note: Only available in the Standard templates.
*GASKET CONTACT AREA Defines a gasket contact area or contact width for average pressure output.
Note: Sub-option in the *GASKET_MATERIAL card image.
*GASKET ELASTICITY Defines elastic properties for the membrane and transverse shear behaviors of a gasket.
Note: Sub-option in the *GASKET_MATERIAL card image.
*GASKET THICKNESS BEHAVIOR Defines a gasket thickness-direction behavior.
Note: Sub-option in the *GASKET_MATERIAL card image.
*GAS SPECIFIC HEAT Defines the specific heat of reacted gas products for an ignition and growth equation of state.
Note: Sub-option in the ABAQUS_MATERIAL card image. Available when *EOS, Type=IGNITION AND GROWTH is selected.

Only available for Abaqus/Explicit.

*HYPERELASTIC Defines elastic properties for approximately incompressible elastomers.
Note: Sub-option in the ABAQUS_MATERIAL card image.
Supported sub-options:
*HYPERFOAM Defines elastic properties for a hyperelastic foam.
Note: Sub-option in the ABAQUS_MATERIAL card image.
Supported sub-options:
*LOADING DATA Define the loading response data for the uniaxial behavior of connector elements.
*LOW DENSITY FOAM Define material coefficients for low-density foam materials.
*MAGNETIC PERMEABILITY Defines magnetic permeability
*MATERIAL Begins the definition of a material.
*MULLINS EFFECT Defines Mullins effect material parameters for elastomers.
Note: Sub-option in the ABAQUS_MATERIAL card image.
Supported sub-options:
*PIEZOELECTRIC Defines piezoelectric material properties.
Note: Sub-option in the ABAQUS_MATERIAL card image.

Only available in the Standard templates.

*PLANAR TEST DATA Provides planar test (or pure shear) data (compression and/or tension).
Note: This option can be used only in conjunction with the *HYPERELASTIC option, the *HYPERFOAM option, and the *MULLINS EFFECT option. This type of test does not define the hyperelastic material constants fully; at the least, uniaxial or biaxial test data should also be given.
*PLASTIC Defines a metal plasticity model.
Note: Sub-option in the CREEP card image.
*RATE DEPENDENT Defines a rate-dependent viscoplastic model.
Note: Sub-option in the ABAQUS_MATERIAL card image.
*REACTION RATE Defines the reaction rate for an ignition and growth equation of state.
Note: Sub-option in the ABAQUS_MATERIAL card image. Available when *EOS, Type=IGNITION AND GROWTH is selected.

Only available for Abaqus/Explicit.

*SHEAR FAILURE Defines a shear failure model and criterion.
Note: Sub-option in the ABAQUS_MATERIAL card image.

Only available for Abaqus/Explicit.

*SHEAR TEST DATA Provides shear test data.
Note: Can be used only in conjunction with the *VISCOELASTIC option.
*SIMPLE SHEAR TEST DATA Provides simple shear test data.
Note: Can be used only in conjunction with the *HYPERFOAM option.
*SPECIFIC HEAT Defines specific heat.
Note: Sub-option in the ABAQUS_MATERIAL card image.
Note: Sub-option in the CREEP card image.
*TRANSVERSE SHEAR Defines the transverse shear moduli used to compute the transverse shear stiffness for shells and beam sections.
*UNIAXIAL Indicate the start of shear or uniaxial test data along a particular direction to define the behavior of a fabric material.
*UNIXIAL TEST DATA Provides uniaxial test data (compression and/or tension).
Note: Can be used only in conjunction with the *HYPERELASTIC option, the *HYPERFOAM option, and the *MULLINS EFFECT option.
*UNLOADING DATA Define unloading response for the uniaxial behavior of connector elements.
*USER MATERIAL Defines material constants for use in subroutine UMAT, UMATHT, or VUMAT.
Note: Sub-option in the ABAQUS_MATERIAL card image.
*USER OUTPUT VARIABLES Defines the number of user variables.
Note: Sub-option in both the ABAQUS_MATERIAL and *GASKET MATERIAL card images.
*VISCOELASTIC Defines dissipative behavior for use with elasticity.
Note: Sub-option in the ABAQUS_MATERIAL card image.
Supported sub-options:

For the sub-options, the parameters SHRINF and VOLINF are supported.

*VOLUMETRIC TEST DATA Provides volumetric test data.


If an unsupported field in a card is found, a message is displayed on the status bar. Messages are also printed to the file ansys.msg. General slash commands, SOLUTION commands, POST1 commands, and POST26 commands are referred to as control cards. Unrecognized cards are written to a *.hmx file.
Card Description
MAT Sets the element material attribute pointer.
MP Defines a linear material property as a constant or a function of temperature.
MPDATA Defines property data to be associated with the temperature table.
MPDATA Defines property data to be associated with the temperature table.
MPTEMP Defines a temperature table for material properties.
Note: Supports temperature tables for each material attribute.
Note: Supports temperature tables for each material attribute.
TB Activates a data table for nonlinear material properties or special element input.
TBDATA Defines data for the data table.


Card Description


Supported media definitions and assignments are (anisotropic) dielectric media (with optional magnetic properties) and metallic media. Feko’s default Free space, Perfect electric conductor, and Perfect magnetic conductor materials are also supported.

Properties are defined in HyperMesh to map the required material assignments to mesh elements.

For Feko wire segments (Bar2 and Bar3) a Property with the Card Image Segment must be defined and applied to the Components that contain segments. The Segment radius, Core medium, and Surrounding medium must be set in such a Property.

For Feko triangles (Tria3 and Tria6) a Property with the Card Image = Triangle must be defined and applied to the Components that contain triangles. The Front and Back medium, and the Face medium must be defined. For Metallic faces, the Thickness must be defined. For the boundary surface between two dielectric regions (or between Free space and a dielectric) the Face Medium should be left as <Unspecified>.

For Feko tetrahedra (Tetra4) a Property with the Card Image = Tetrahedron must be defined and applied to the Components that contain tetrahedral mesh elements. The Volume medium must be set as either a dielectric medium or Perfect electric conductor.

Card Description
/DI Defines the dielectric or metallic medium properties.
/SK Assigns a material property to a surface.


LS-DYNA allows you to program your own materials that can be used in a simulation. Unsupported LS-DYNA materials and user defined LS-DYNA materials are assigned the MAT_UNSUPPORTED card image.

HyperMesh imports unsupported material with the MAT_UNSUPPORTED card image, and preserves their corresponding IDs and associated components.

In the MAT_UNSUPPORTED card image, all material sub-options, parameters, and data lines are supported as simple text. The validity or syntax of any data is not checked in this mode. You must manually check the validity of the data. No editing, updating, or review of the material data is intended. Also, time step calculation and mass calculation are not available for the component that refers to this material.

Card Description


Appropriate for tracking low pressure stress waves in an acoustic media such as air or water and can be used only with the acoustic pressure element formulation.
Note: Material Type 90


Solves incompressable flows with the ALE solver. It should be used with the element formulation 6 and 12 in *SECTION_SOLID.
Note: Material Type 160


Valid for modeling the elastic-orthotropic behavior of solids, shells and thick shells.
Note: Material Type 2


Valid for modeling the elastic-orthotropic behavior of solids, shells and thick shells and solid elements.
Note: Material Type 157


Simplified version of the Material Type 103. Applies only to shell elements.
Note: Material Type 103P


Applies to shell and brick elements.
Note: Material Type 103


Provides a hyperelastic rubber model combined optionally with linear viscoelasticity.
Note: Material Type 127


Used for adhesive bonding in aluminum structures.
Note: Material Type 169


Models temperature and rate dependent plasticity with a fairly complex model that has many input parameters.
Note: Material Type 51


Extension of model 51 which includes the modeling of damage.
Note: Material Type 52


Used for modeling anisotropic material behavior in forming processes.
Note: Material Type 33


Developed to overcome some shortcomings of the six parameters Barlat model implemented at Material Type 33. Available for shell elements only.
Note: Material Type 133


Used for modeling anisotropic material behavior in forming processes in particular for aluminum alloys. Available for shell elements only.
Note: Material Type 33b


Used for the simulation of isotropic crushable forms.
Note: Material Type 75


Used for the definition of rubber-like foams of polyurethane.
Note: Material Type 38


Used for the modeling of nearly incompressible continuum rubber.
Note: Material Type 7


Used with beam elements using ELFORM=6 (Discrete Beam).
Note: Material Type 208




Permits elastic cables to be realistically modeled; thus, no force will develop in compression.
Note: Material Type 71


Provides a cellular rubber model with confined air pressure combined with linear viscoelasticity.
Note: Material Type 87


Used for the modeling of low density, closed cell polyurethane foam.
Note: Material Type 53


A sub-laminate-based continuum damage mechanics model for fiber reinforced composite laminates made up of transversely isotropic layers. Used for brick, shell, and thick shell elements.
Note: Material Type 219


Simple cohesive elastic model for use with solid element types 19 and 20 and is not available for other solid element formulations.
Note: Material Type 184


Cohesive material model that includes three general irreversible mixed-mode interaction cohesive formulations with arbitrary normalized traction-separation law given by a load curve.
Note: Material Type 186


Cohesive material model that includes a bilinear traction-separation law with quadratic mixed mode delamination criterion and a damage formulation.
Note: Material Type 138


Cohesive material formulation limited to linear softening with mixed mode delamination criterion and a damage formulation.
Note: Material Type 240


Cohesive material for use with solid element types 19 and 20. Not available for any other solid element formulation.
Note: Material Type 185


An orthotropic material with optional brittle failure for composites can be defined.
Note: Material Type 22
Note: Material Type 59


Note: Material Type 59


Note: Material Type 59


Used for modeling the elastic responses of composite layups that have an arbitrary number of layers through the shell thickness.
Note: Material Type 116


Used for modeling the elastic responses of composites where a pre-integration is used to compute the extensional, bending, and coupling stiffness coefficients for use with the Belytschko Tsay resultant shell formulation.
Note: Material Type 117


Used to model the progressive failure analysis for composite materials consisting of unidirectional and woven fabric layers.
Note: Material Type 161


Used to model the progressive failure analysis for composite materials consisting of unidirectional and woven fabric layers.
Note: Material Type 162


Used to analyze buried steel reinforced concrete structures subjected to impulsive loadings.
Note: Material Type 72


Used to analyze buried steel reinforced concrete structures subjected to impulsive loadings.
Note: Material Type 72R3


Represents plain concrete only, reinforcing steel only, or a smeared combination of concrete and reinforcement.
Note: Material Type 172


Plane stress orthotropic material model for metal forming.
Note: Material Type 136


Used to model crushable foam with optional damping and tension cutoff.
Note: Material Type 63


Concrete material
Note: Material Type 159


Concrete material
Note: Material Type 159


Used for discrete springs and dampers.
Note: Material Type SD-5


Used for discrete springs and dampers.
Note: Material Type SD-2


Used for modeling aluminum foam used as a filler material in aluminum extrusions to enhance the energy absorbing capability of the extrusion. For solid elements.
Note: Material Type 154


Isotropic elastic material that is available for beam, shell and solid elements.
Note: Material Type 1


Isotropic elastic material available for beam, shell and solid elements.
Note: Material Type 1


Used for the modeling of an elastic-plastic hydrodynamic material.
Note: Material Type 10


Temperature dependent material coefficients can be defined.
Note: Material Type 4


Permits elastic springs with damping to be combined and represented with a discrete beam element type 6.
Note: Material Type 74


Elastic viscoplastic material with thermal effects.
Note: Material Type 106


Used to simulate forming of glass products at high temperatures.
Note: Material Type 60


Defined for simulating the effects of nonlinear elastic and nonlinear viscous beams by using six springs each acting about one of the six local degrees of freedom.
Note: Material Type 93


The Evolving Microstructural Model of Inelasticity (EMMI) is a temperature and rate-dependent state variable model developed to represent the large deformation of metals under diverse loading conditions. This model is available for 3D solid elements, 2D solid elements and thick shell forms 3 and 5.
Note: Material Type 151


Enhanced versions of the composite model Material Type 22.
Note: Material Types 54-55


Developed for airbag materials.
Note: Material Type 34


An elasto-plastic material with an arbitrary stress versus strain curve and arbitrary strain rate dependency can be defined.
Note: Material Type 112


Used for simulating sheet forming processes with anisotropic material.
Note: Material Type 39


Used for modeling sheets with anisotropic materials under plane stress conditions.
Note: Material Type 190


With this material model, for the Belytschko-Schwer beam only, plastic hinge forming at the ends of a beam can be modeled using curve definitions.
Note: Material Type 29


This model defines rubber from uniaxial test data.
Note: Material Type 31


Rate effects can be modeled in low and medium density foams.
Note: Material Type 83


Rate effects can be modeled in low and medium density foams.
Note: Material Type 83


Used for the simulation of thermally equilibrated ideal gas mixtures.
Note: Material Type 148


Used to define a general joint constraining any combination of degrees of freedom between two nodes.
Note: Material Type 97


Very general spring and damper model.
Note: Material Type 121


Very general spring and damper model.
Note: Material Type 119
*MAT_GENERAL_SPRING_DISCRETE_BEAM Permits elastic and elastoplastic springs with damping to be represented with a discrete beam element type 6 using six springs each acting about one of the six local degrees of freedom.
Note: Material Type 196


Provides a general viscoelastic Maxwell model having up to 6 terms in the prony series expansion and is useful for modeling dense continuum rubbers and solid explosives.
Note: Material Type 76


This is an inviscid two invariant geologic cap model.
Note: Material Type 25


Characterizes General Electric's commercially available engineering thermoplastics subjected to high strain rate events.
Note: Material Type 101


Gurson dilatational-plastic model. Available for shell and solid elements.
Note: Material Type 120


Enhancement of Material Type 120. Gurson model with additional Johnson-Cook failure criterion.
Note: Material Type 120B


This is an enhancement of material Type 120. This is the Gurson model with the Wilkins Rc-Dc fracture model added. This model is available for shell and solid elements.
Note: Material Type 120C


Used fo the modeling of the detonation of a high explosive.
Note: Material Type 8


Highly compressible foam.
Note: Material Type 177


Planar anisotropic material model with 3 R values.
Note: Material Type 122


Used for modeling sheets with anisotropic materials under plane stress conditions.
Note: Material Type 243


The major use of this material model is for honeycomb and foam materials with real anisotropic behavior.
Note: Material Type 26


Special purpose element represents a combined hydraulic and gas-filled damper which has a variable orifice coefficient.
Note: Material Type 70


Provides a general hyperelastic rubber model combined optionally with linear viscoelasticity.
Note: Material Type 77


Elastoplastic springs with damping are represented with a discrete beam element type 6.
Note: Material Type 94


Defined for simulating the effects of nonlinear inelastic and nonlinear viscous beams by using six springs each acting about one of the six local degrees of freedom.
Note: Material Type 95


Non-iterative plasticity with simple plastic strain failure model.
Note: Material Type 13


Very low cost isotropic plasticity model for three-dimensional solids.
Note: Material Type 12


The Johnson/Cook strain and temperature sensitive plasticity is sometimes used for problems where the strain rates vary over a large range and adiabatic temperature increases due to plastic heating causes material softening.
Note: Material Type 15


Used for modeling ceramics, glass, and other brittle materials.
Note: Material Type 110


Used for modeling concrete subjected to large strains, high strain rates, and high pressures.
Note: Material Type 111


Used for modeling ceramics, glass, and other brittle materials.
Note: Material Type 241


Used for modeling viscoelastic bodies, such as foams.
Note: Material Type 61


Used to model metal sheets under cyclic plasticity loading and with anisotropy in plane stress condition.
Note: Material Type 242


Used to model metal sheets under cyclic plasticity loading and with anisotropy in place stress condition.
Note: Material Type 226


Note: Material Type 125


Depending on the type of failure surface, may be used to model composite materials with unidirectional layers, complete layers, complete laminates, and woven fabrics.
Note: Material Type 58


With this material model, a layered glass including polymeric layers can be modeled.
Note: Material Type 32


Layered elastoplastic material with an arbitrary stress versus strain curve and an arbitrary strain rate dependency can be defined.
Note: Material Type 114


Used for simulating the effects of a linear elastic beam by using six springs each acting about one of the six local degrees of freedom.
Note: Material Type 66


Used for modeling high density foams.
Note: Material Type 57


Used for modeling rate independent low density foams, which have the property that the hysteresis in the loading-unloading curve is considerably reduced after the first loading cycle.
Note: Material Type 179


Used for modeling rate independent low density foams, which have the property that the hysteresis in the loading-unloading curve is considerably reduced after the first loading cycle.
Note: Material Type 179


Used for modeling rate independent low density foams, which have the property that the hysteresis in the loading-unloading curve is considerably reduced after the first loading cycle.
Note: Material Type 180


Used for modeling rate independent low density foams, which have the property that the hysteresis in the loading-unloading curve is considerably reduced after the first loading cycle.
Note: Material Type 180


Used for modeling Low Density Urethane Foam with high compressibility and with rate sensitivity which can be characterized by a relaxation curve.
Note: Material Type 73


Used for modeling the elastic response of loose fabric used in inflatable structures, parachutes, body armor, blade containments, and airbags.
Note: Material Type 235


Dedicated to modeling crushable foam with optional damping, tension cutoff, and strain rate effects.
Note: Material Type 163


Used for aluminum honeycomb crushable foam materials with anisotropic behavior.
Note: Material Type 126


An elasto-plastic material with an arbitrary stress versus strain curve and arbitrary strain-rate dependency can be defined.
Note: Material Type 123


An elasto-plastic material with an arbitrary stress versus strain curve and arbitrary strain rate dependency can be defined.
Note: Material Type 123


An elasto-plastic material with an arbitrary stress versus strain curve and arbitrary strain rate dependency can be defined.
Note: Material Type 123


Rate and temperature sensitive plasticity model which is sometimes preferred in ordinance design calculations.
Note: Material Type 65


Beam material for performing non-liner elastic or multi-linear plastic analysis.
Note: Material Type 166


A two-parametric material model for rubber can be defined.
Note: Material Type 27


Available for applications involving large strains, high pressures and strain rates.
Note: Material Type 88


Used for simulating the effects of nonlinear elastic and nonlinear viscous beams by using six springs each acting about one of the six local degrees of freedom.
Note: Material Type 67


Used fo the definition of an orthotropic nonlinear elastic material based on a finite strain formulation with the initial geometry as the reference.
Note: Material Type 40


Used for simulating the effects of nonlinear elastoplastic, linear viscous behavior of beams by using six springs each acting about one of the six local degrees of freedom.
Note: Material Type 68


Allows equations of state to be considered without computing deviatoric stresses.
Note: Material Type 9


Provides the Ogden (1984) rubber model combined optionally with linear viscoelasticity.
Note: Material Type 77


This material may be used to model brittle materials which fail due to large tensile stresses.
Note: Material Type 17


Valid for modeling the elastic-orthotropic behavior of solids, shells and thick shells.
Note: Material Type 2


An orthotropic material with optional simplified damage and optional failure for composites can be defined. Only valid for 3D solid elements with reduced or full integration.
Note: Material Type 221


A linearly elastic, orthotropic material with orthotropic thermal expansion.
Note: Material Type 21


Allows the definition of an orthotropic material with a viscoelastic part. Applies to shell elements.
Note: Material Type 86


An elasto-plastic material with an arbitrary stress versus strain curve and arbitrary strain rate dependency can be defined.
Note: Material Type 24


An isotropic elastic-plastic material where unique yield stress versus plastic strain curves can be defined for compression and tension.
Note: Material Type 124


An isotropic elastic-plastic material where unique yield stress versus plastic strain curves can be defined for compression and tension.
Note: Material Type 155


Suited to model isotropic and kinematic hardening plasticity with the option of including rate effects.
Note: Material Type 3


An elasto-plastic material with an arbitrary stress versus strain curve and arbitrary strain rate dependency can be defined.
Note: Material Type 89

(*MAT_082, *MAT_081)

An elasto-visco-plastic material with an arbitrary stress versus strain curve and arbitrary strain rate dependency can be defined.
Note: Material Types 81-82


Invokes an orthotropic damage model.
Note: Material Types 81-82


Invokes the damage model developed by Wilkins.
Note: Material Types 81-82


A perfectly-matched layer (PML) material. An absorbing layer material used to simulate wave propagation in an unbounded isotropic elastic medium. Only available for solid 8-node bricks (element type 2).
Note: Material Type 230


A perfectly-matched layer (PML) material with a pressure fluid constitutive law. Used in a wave-absorbing layer adjacent to a fluid material (*MAT_ELASTIC_FLUID) in order to simulate wave propagation in an unbound fluid medium.
Note: Material Type 230


Used for brick elements.
Note: Material Type 168


Used to analyze the compaction and sintering of cemented carbides. Only available for solid elements.
Note: Material Type 271


This is an isotropic plasticity model with rate effects which uses a power law hardening rule.
Note: Material Type 18


This model has been used to analyze buried steel reinforced concrete structures subjected to impulsive loadings.
Note: Material Type 16


Used to model the simulation of an isotropic ductile polymer with strain rate effects.

Known as the modified Ramaswamy-Stouffer model.
Note: Material Type 141


Used to model strain rate sensitive elasto-plastic material with a power law hardening.
Note: Material Type 64


This model is available for the Belytschko-Tsay and the C0 triangular shell elements and is based on a resultant stress formulation.
Note: Material Type 170


A resultant formulation for beam and shell elements including elasto-plastic behavior can be defined.
Note: Material Type 28


Parts made from this material are considered to belong to a rigid body (for each part ID).
Note: Material Type 20


Rigid material for shells or solids.
Note: Material Type 220


Uses an isotropic C-1 smooth yield surface for the description of non-reinforced plastics.
Note: Material Type 187


The Schwer & Murray Cap Model, known as the Continuous Surface Cap Model, is a three invariant extension of the Geological Cap Model (Material Type 25) that also includes viscoplasticity for rate effects and damage mechanics to model strain softening.
Note: Material Type 145


Define a seat belt material.
Note: Material Type B01


Enables lumped plasticity to be developed at the 'node 2' end of Belytschko-Schwer beams (resultant formulation).
Note: Material Type 191


This material model describes the superelastic response present in shape-memory alloys that is the peculiar material ability to undergo large deformations with full recovery in loading-unloading cycles.
Note: Material Type 30


The side impact dummy uses a damper that is not adequately treated by the nonlinear force versus relative velocity curves since the force characteristics are dependent on the displacement of the piston.
Note: Material Type 69


Used for problems where the strain rates vary over a large range.
Note: Material Type 98


Implemented with multiple through thickness integration points. Extension of Model 98 to include orthotropic damage as a means of treating failure in aluminum panels.
Note: Material Type 99


Provides a rubber and foam model defined by a single uniaxial load curve or by a family of uniaxial curves at discrete strain rates.
Note: Material Type 181


Provides a rubber and foam model defined by a single uniaxial load curve or by a family of uniaxial curves at discrete strain rates.
Note: Material Type 181


Provides an incompressible rubber model defined by a single uniaxial load curve for loading (or a table if rate effects are considered) and a single uniaxial load curve for unloading.
Note: Material Type 183


Simple model that works in some ways like a fluid.
Note: Material Type 5


The input for this model is the same as for *MAT_SOIL_AND_FOAM; however, when the pressure reaches the failure pressure, the element loses its ability to carry tension.
Note: Material Type 14


Permits concrete and soil to be efficiently modeled.
Note: Material Type 78


Applies to Belytschko-Tsay and the C0 triangular shell elements.
Note: Material Type 130


Applies to beam elements Type 9 and to solid elements Type 1 with Type 6 hourglass controls.
Note: Material Type 100


Applies to solid elements Type 1 with Type 6 hourglass controls.
Note: Material Type 100


Applies to beam element type 9 and to solid element type 1 with type 6 hourglass controls.
Note: Material Type 100


Used for discrete springs and dampers. Provides a translational or rotational elastic spring located between two nodes.
Note: Material Type SD-1


Used for discrete springs and dampers. Provides an elastoplastic translational or rotational spring with isotropic hardening located between two nodes.
Note: Material Type SD-3


Used for discrete springs and dampers. Provides a general nonlinear translational or rotational spring with arbitrary loading and unloading definitions.
Note: Material Type SD-6


Used for discrete springs and dampers. Provides an inelastic tension or compression only, translational or rotational spring.
Note: Material Type SD-8


Used for discrete springs and dampers. Provides a three Parameter Maxwell Viscoelastic translational or rotational spring.
Note: Material Type SD-7


Used for discrete springs and dampers. Provides a nonlinear elastic translational and rotational spring with arbitrary force versus displacement and moment versus rotation, respectively.
Note: Material Type SD-4
*MAT_STEEL_EC3 Tables and formulae from Eurocode 3 are used to derive the mechanical properties and their variation with temperature, although these can be overriden by user-defined curves.
Note: Material Type 202


This material is available for modeling materials deforming at very high strain rates (>105) and can be used with solid elements.
Note: Material Type 11


This material is a modification of the Steinberg model to include the rate model of Steinberg and Lund (1989).
Note: Material Type 11


A strain rate dependent material can be defined.
Note: Material Type 19


Defines an elasto-viscoplastic material with arbitrary stress versus strain curve(s), and arbitrary strain rate dependency.
Note: Material Type 224


Defines an orthotropic elastic material with arbitrary temperature dependency.
Note: Material Type 23


Defines isotropic thermal properties.
Note: Thermal Material Property Type 1


Defines isotropic thermal properties that are temperature dependent specified by load curves.
Note: Thermal Material Property Type 6


Defines orthotropic thermal properties.
Note: Thermal Material Property Type 2


Defines creep separately from plasticity.
Note: Material Type 188


Used for an extruded foam material that is transversely isotropic, crushable, and of low density with no significant Poisson effect.
Note: Material Type 142


Simulates sheet forming processes with anisotropic material.
Note: Material Type 37


Simulates sheet forming processes with anisotropic material.
Note: Material Type 37


Simulates sheet forming processes with anisotropic material.
Note: Material Type 37


Isotropic elasto-plastic material model that applies to shell elements only.
Note: Material Type 113


Material for hot stamping and press hardening.
Note: Material Type 244
*MAT_USER_DEFINED_MATERIAL User can supply their own subroutines.
Note: Material Types 41-50


Dummy material representing a vacuum in a multi-material Euler/ALE model.
Note: Material Type 140


Used for the modeling of viscoelastic behavior for beams (Hughes-Liu), shells, and solids.
Note: Material Type 6


Highly compressible foam.
Note: Material Type 178


Used for modeling the elastic and viscoelastic response of loose fabric used in body armor, blade containments, and airbags.
Note: Material Type 234


An elasto_viscoplastic material with an arbitrary stress versus strain curve and arbitrary strain rate dependency can be defined. Kinematic, isotropic, or a combination or kinematic and isotropic hardening can be specified. Also, failure based on plastic strain can be defined.
Note: Material Type 225


Used to represent the Confor Foam on the ribs of EuroSID side impact dummy.
Note: Material Type 62


Only Type 84 includes rate effects. Model is a smeared crack, smeared rebar model implemented in the 8-node single integration point continuum element.
Note: Material Type 84 and Type 85


Wood material.
Note: Material Type 143


Wood material.
Note: Material Type 143
*MAT_WOOD_OPTION Transversely isotropic material and is available for solid elements.
Note: Material Type 143


Wood material.
Note: Material Type 143
*MAT_WTM_STM Anisotropic-viscoplastic material model.
Note: Material Type 135


Anisotropic material.
Note: Material Type 135PLC


Linear or spring damper that allows different degrees of freedom at two nodes to be coupled.
Note: Material Type 146


Used for modeling sheets with anisotropic materials under plane stress conditions.
Note: Material Type 36


Used for modeling sheets with anisotropic materials under plane stress conditions.
Note: Material Type 36

Nastran Cards

The PCOMP card contains all information regarding composite materials, including the orientation of the longitudinal direction of each ply. The material longitudinal axis of the element is obtained either by rotating the x axis of the element THETA degree (from THETA field in the element card) counterclockwise, or by projecting the x axis of a system (from MCID field in the element card) onto the surface of the element. Each ply orientation, shown a as ply direction, is obtained by rotating the material longitudinal axis THETAi degree (from the THETAi field in the PCOMP card) counterclockwise.
Card Description
MAT1 Defines the material properties for linear isotropic materials.
MAT2 Defines the material properties for linear anisotropic materials for two-dimensional elements.
MAT4 Defines the constant or temperature-dependent thermal material properties for conductivity, heat capacity, density, dynamic viscosity, heat generation, reference enthalpy, and latent heat associated with a single-phase change.
MAT5 Defines the thermal material properties for anisotropic materials.
MAT8 Defines the material property for an orthotropic material for isoparametric shell elements.
MAT9 Defines the material properties for linear, temperature-independent, anisotropic materials for solid isoparametric elements.
MAT10 Defines material properties for fluid elements in coupled fluid-structural analysis.
MATEP Specifies elasto-plastic material properties to be used for large deformation analysis. Used in SOL 600 only.
MATHE Specifies hyperelastic (rubber-like) material properties for nonlinear (large strain and large rotation) analysis in SOL 600 and MD Nastran SOL 400 only.
MATHP Specifies material properties for use in fully nonlinear (i.e., large strain and large rotation) hyperelastic analysis of rubber-like materials (elastomers).
MATG Specifies gasket material properties to be used in SOL 600 and MD Nastran SOL 400.
MATHP Specifies material properties for use in fully nonlinear (that is, large strain and large rotation) hyperelastic analysis of rubber-like materials (elastomers).
MATEP Specifies elasto-plastic material properties.
MATS1 Specifies stress-dependent material properties for use in applications involving nonlinear materials.
MATT1 Specifies temperature-dependent material properties on MAT1 entry fields via TABLEMi entries.
MATT2 Specifies temperature-dependent material properties on MAT2 entry fields via TABLEMj entries.
MATT4 Specifies table references for temperature-dependent MAT4 material properties.
MATT8 Specifies temperature-dependent material properties on MAT8 entry fields via TABLEMi entries.
MATT9 Specifies temperature-dependent material properties on MAT9 entry fields via TABLEMk entries.

OptiStruct Cards

Card Description
MAT1 Defines the material properties for linear, temperature-independent, and isotropic materials.
Note: Bulk Data Entry

Exported in large field format by optistructlf template.

MAT1EC Defines constant electrical material properties for conductivity, Joule heat fraction, and reference temperature in electrical analysis.
Note: Bulk Data Entry
MAT2 Defines the material properties for linear, temperature-independent, and anisotropic materials for two-dimensional elements.
Note: Bulk Data Entry

Exported in large field format by optistructlf template.

MAT2EC Defines the electrical material properties for anisotropic materials in electrical analysis.
Note: Bulk Data Entry
MAT3 Defines the material properties for linear, temperature-independent, and orthotropic materials used by the CTAXI and CTRIAX6 axisymmetric elements.
Note: Bulk Data Entry

Exported in large field format by optistructlf template.

MAT4 Defines constant thermal material properties for conductivity, density, and heat generation.
Note: Bulk Data Entry

Exported in large field format by optistructlf template.

MAT5 Defines the thermal material properties for anisotropic materials.
Note: Bulk Data Entry

Exported in large field format by optistructlf template.

MAT8 Defines the material properties for linear temperature-independent orthotropic material for two-dimensional elements.
Note: Bulk Data Entry

Exported in large field format by optistructlf template.

MAT9 Defines the material properties for linear, temperature-independent, and anisotropic materials for solid elements.
Note: Bulk Data Entry

Exported in large field format by optistructlf template.

MAT9ORT Defines the material properties for linear, temperature-independent, and orthotropic materials for solid elements in terms of engineering constants.
Note: Bulk Data Entry
MAT10 Defines material properties for fluid elements in coupled fluid-structural analysis.
Note: Bulk Data Entry

Exported in large field format by optistructlf template.

MATFAT Defines material properties for fatigue analysis.
Note: Bulk Data Entry

Exported in large field format by optistructlf template.

MATF1 Specifies frequency-dependent material properties on MAT1 entry fields via TABLEDi entries.
Note: Bulk Data Entry
MATF2 Specifies frequency-dependent material properties on MAT2 entry fields via TABLEDi entries.
Note: Bulk Data Entry
MATF8 Specifies frequency-dependent material properties on MAT8 entry fields via TABLEDi entries.
Note: Bulk Data Entry
MATF9 Specifies frequency-dependent material properties on MAT9 entry fields via TABLEDi entries.
Note: Bulk Data Entry
MATF10 Specifies frequency-dependent material properties on MAT10 entry fields via TABLEDi entries.
Note: Bulk Data Entry
MATHE Defines material properties for nonlinear hyperelastic materials. The Polynomial form is available and various material types can be defined by specifying the corresponding coefficients.
Note: Bulk Data Entry
MATPE1 Defines the material properties for poro-elastic materials.
Note: Bulk Data Entry

Exported in large field format by optistructlf template.

MATT1 Specifies temperature-dependent material properties on MAT1 entry fields via TABLEMi entries.
Note: Bulk Data Entry
MATT2 Specifies temperature-dependent material properties on MAT2 entry fields via TABLEMj entries.
Note: Bulk Data Entry
MATT4 Defines temperature-dependent material properties for the corresponding MAT4 Bulk Data Entry fields via TABLEMi entries.
Note: Bulk Data Entry
MATT5 Defines temperature-dependent material properties on MAT5 entry fields via TABLEMi entries.
Note: Bulk Data Entry
MATT8 Specifies temperature-dependent material properties on MAT8 entry fields via TABLEMi entries.
Note: Bulk Data Entry
MATT9 Specifies temperature-dependent material properties on MAT9 entry fields via TABLEMk entries.
Note: Bulk Data Entry
MATUSHT Defines thermal material properties and parameters for user-defined thermal material
Note: Bulk Data Entry
MATUSR Defines material properties and parameters for user-defined structural material.
Note: Bulk Data Entry
MATTVP Defines temperature-dependent material properties for the corresponding MATVP Bulk Data Entry fields via TABLEMi or TABLEG entries. Refer to OptiStruct solver documentation for more details.
MATVE Defines material properties for nonlinear viscoelastic materials. Refer to OptiStruct solver documentation for more details.
MATVP Defines material properties for nonlinear creep materials. Refer to OptiStruct solver documentation for more details.
MCIRON Defines the material properties of cast iron material for use in applications involving nonlinear materials. This entry is used if a MAT1 entry is specified with the same MID in a nonlinear subcase.
Note: Bulk Data Entry
MGASK Defining the material properties for gasket-like materials.
Note: Bulk Data Entry


Card Description
MATER / General 3D Mechanical Material definition
MATER / MATYP = 1 Material Type 1 - Elastic­Plastic Solid with Isotropic and/or Kinematic Hardening
Note: Post-Yield behavior - defined by Yield Stress list box.
MATER / MATYP = 2 Material Type 2 - Crushable Foam for Solid Elements
MATER / MATYP = 5 Material Type 5 - Linear Viscoelastic for Solid Elements
MATER / MATYP = 6 Material Type 6 - JWL High Explosive for Solid Elements
MATER / MATYP = 7 Material Type 7 - Isotropic Elastic­Plastic­Hydrodynamic for Solid and SPH Elements
MATER / MATYP = 8 Material Type 8 - Steinberg­-Guinan Model for Solid Elements
MATER / MATYP = 12 Material Type 12 - Johnson­-Cook Model for Solid Elements and SPH
MATER / MATYP = 15 Material Type 15 - Crackable Brittle Material - Reinforced Concrete
MATER / MATYP = 16 Material Type 16 - Elastic­Plastic with Damage and Failure for Solid Elements and SPH
MATER / MATYP = 20 Material Type 20 - Inelastic Crushable Foam for Solid Elements
MATER / MATYP = 22 Material Type 22 – Non-­Linear Viscoelastic for Solid Elements
MATER / MATYP = 24 Material Type 24 - Inelastic Foam Material with Hysteresis and Failure
MATER / MATYP = 26 Material Type 26 - Elastic­Plastic with Gurson Damage for Solid Elements
MATER / MATYP = 28 Material Type 28 - Murnaghan Equation of State for Solid Elements and SPH
MATER / MATYP = 30 Material Type 30 - Unidirectional Composite Bi-Phase for Solid Elements
Note: To enter IPLY on card 3, a material collector with a defined PLY_DATA card image must exist.
MATER / MATYP = 31 Material Type 30 - Unidirectional Composite Non-linear
Note: To enter IPLY on card 3, a material collector with a defined PLY_DATA card image must exist.
MATER / MATYP = 35 Material Type 35 - Improved Fleck's Elastoplastic Crushable Foam for Solid Elements
MATER / MATYP = 36 Material Type 36 - Elastic/Stiffening­-Plastic with Failure for Solid Elements
MATER / MATYP = 37 Material Type 37 - Viscoelastic Ogden Rubber for Solid Elements (G-Based Viscous Response)
MATER / MATYP = 38 Material Type 38 - Viscoelastic Ogden Rubber for Solid Elements (Ogden-Based Viscous Response)
MATER / MATYP = 41 Material Type 41 - Honeycomb Model for Solid Elements
Note: Full material input and simplified material input are available.
MATER / MATYP = 42 Material Type 42 - Improved Honeycomb Model for Solid Elements
MATER / MATYP = 45 Material Type 45 - General Nonlinear Solid Foam
MATER / MATYP = 51 Material Type 51 - Linear Elastic Solid with Total Lagrangian Formulation and Thermal Expansion
MATER / MATYP = 52 Material Type 52 - Elastic­Plastic Solid with Failure Criterion of Kolmogorov-Dell or Johnson-Cook Type
MATER / MATYP = 61 Material Type 61 - Elastic for 8­Node Thick Shell Elements with Total Lagrangian Formulation
MATER / MATYP = 62 Material Type 62 - Elastic­Plastic for 8­Node Thick Shell Elements with Total Lagrangian Formulation
MATER / MATYP = 71 Material Type 71 - Elastic­Plastic with EWK Damage and Failure Solid Elements
MATER / MATYP = 80 Material Type 80 - User­-Defined Materials for Solid Elements
MATER / MATYP = 81 Material Type 81 - User­-Defined Materials for Solid Elements
MATER / MATYP = 82 Material Type 82 - User­-Defined Materials for Solid Elements
MATER / MATYP = 83 Material Type 83 - User­-Defined Materials for Solid Elements
MATER / MATYP = 85 Material Type 85 - User­-Defined Plugin Material for Solid Elements
MATER / MATYP = 99 Material Type 99 - Null Material for Solid Elements
MATER / General 2D Mechanical Material definition
MATER / MATYP = 100 Material Type 100 - Null Material for Shell Elements
MATER / MATYP = 101 Material Type 101 - Elastic for Shell Elements
MATER / MATYP = 103 Material Type 103 - Elastic­Plastic for Shell Elements
MATER / MATYP = 105 Material Type 105 - Elastic­Plastic with Isotropic Damage for Shell Elements
MATER / MATYP = 106 Material Type 106 - Elastic­Plastic with Anisotropic Damage for Shell Elements
MATER / MATYP = 108 Material Type 108 - Anisotropic Elastic­Plastic Iterative for Shell Elements
MATER / MATYP = 109 Material Type 109 - Anisotropic Elastic­Plastic for Shell Elements
MATER / MATYP = 110 Material Type 110 – Superelastic for Shell Elements
MATER / MATYP = 115 Material Type 115 - Elastic­Plastic with Gurson Damage for Shell Elements
MATER / MATYP = 116 Material Type 116 - Elastic­Plastic with Isotropic Damage and Tension-Compression-Dependent Behavior for Shell Elements
MATER / MATYP = 117 Material Type 117 - Anisotropic Elastic­Plastic for Shell Elements
MATER / MATYP = 118 Material Type 118 - Anisotropic Elastic­Plastic Iterative with Gurson Damage for Shell Elements
MATER / MATYP = 121 Material Type 121 - Nonlinear Viscoelastic for Shell Elements - G'Sell Model (Crash/Forming)
MATER / MATYP = 126 Material Type 126 - Glass Model
MATER / MATYP = 127 Material Type 127 - Anisotropic Elastic­Plastic Material with Normal, Shear, FLD and Müschenborn­-Sonne Failure Criteria
MATER / MATYP = 128 Material Type 128 - Anisotropic Elastic­Plastic Material with Instability/Ductile/Shear Failure Criteria
MATER / MATYP = 131 Material Type 131 - Multilayered Shell Elements
Note: To specify a ply database, a material collector with the PLY_DATA card image must exist in the database. Ply auxiliary variables default to blank and can be overridden.
MATER / MATYP = 143 Material Type 143 - Elastic­Plastic with Elastic Stiffening and Failure for Shell Elements
MATER / MATYP = 150 Material Type 150 - Layered Material for Membrane Elements with Linear Fibers
MATER / MATYP = 151 Material Type 151 - Fabric Membrane Element with Nonlinear Fibers
MATER / MATYP = 161 Material Type 161 - Elastic for 4­Node Thick Shell Elements with Total Lagrangian Formulation
MATER / MATYP = 162 Material Type 162 - Elastic­Plastic for 4-Node Thick Shell Elements with Total Lagrangian Formulation
MATER / MATYP = 171 Material Type 171 - Elastic­Plastic with EWK Damage and Failure for Shell Elements
MATER / MATYP = 180 Material Type 180 - User-­Defined Materials for Shell Elements
MATER / MATYP = 181 Material Type 181 - User-­Defined Materials for Shell Elements
MATER / MATYP = 182 Material Type 182 - User­-Defined Materials for Shell Elements
MATER / MATYP = 183 Material Type 183 - User­-Defined Materials for Shell Elements
MATER / MATYP = 184 Material Type 184 - User­-Defined Materials for Shell Elements
MATER / MATYP = 185 Material Type 185 - User­-Defined Plugin Material for Shell Elements
MATER / General 1D Mechanical Material definition
MATER / MATYP = 200 Material Type 200 - Null Material for Beam and Bar Elements
MATER / MATYP = 201 Material Type 201 - Elastic for Beam and Bar Elements
Note: Card fields vary depending upon the element type selected (beam or bar).
MATER / MATYP = 202 Material Type 202 - Elastic­Plastic for Bar Elements
Note: Card fields vary depending upon the element type selected. Post-Yield behavior - defined by Yield Stress list box.
MATER / MATYP = 204 Material Type 204 – Non-­Linear Bar/Dashpot Elements
Note: Force-deflection curve specification requires existence of curves in the database.
MATER / MATYP = 205 Material Type 205 – Non-­Linear Tension­-Only Bar Elements
Note: NLOAD can be set to 0 or to a curve (right-click field label to reset NLOAD curve selection). Other fields for material type 205 depend on the value of NLOAD.
MATER / MATYP = 212 Material Type 212 - Elastic­Plastic for Beam Elements
Note: Post-Yield behavior - defined by Yield Stress list box.
MATER / MATYP = 213 Material Type 213 - Elastic­Plastic for Beam Elements with User-Defined Integration Rule
Note: Post-Yield behavior - defined by Yield Stress list box. Specification of the cross section description through the list box affects the layout of cards 8 through NIPS 8.
MATER / MATYP = 214 Material Type 214 - Global Beam with Plasticity Hinge
Note: Curves must exist in the model before specifying curve fields.
MATER / MATYP = 220 Material Type 220 - Nonlinear 6­DOF Spring/Dashpot Elements
Note: Curves must exist in the model before specifying curve fields.
MATER / MATYP = 221 Material Type 221 - Spherical Joint Elements
Note: Curves must exist in the model before specifying curve fields.
MATER / MATYP = 222 Material Type 222 – Flexion-­Torsion Joint Elements
Note: Curves must exist in the model before specifying curve fields.
MATER / MATYP = 223 Material Type 223 - Nonlinear 6­DOF Spring-Beam Elements
Note: Curves must exist in the model before specifying curve fields.
MATER / MATYP = 224 Material Type 224 - 6­DOF Penalty Spring-Beam Elements
Note: 6-DOF penalty spring beam elements.
MATER / MATYP = 225 Material Type 225 - Bushing Elements
MATER / MATYP = 226 Material Type 226 - Air Spring Material
MATER / MATYP = 230 Material Type 230 - Kinematic Joint Elements (KJOIN, MBKJN, MBSPR, MTOJNT)
Note: Curves must exist in the model before specifying curve fields.
MATER / MATYP = 240 Material Type 240 - Muscle Material for Bar Elements
Note: Curves must exist in the model before specifying curve fields.
MATER / MATYP = 241 Material Type 241 - Extended Hill Type Muscle Material (Muscle-Tendon Complex) for Bar Elements
MATER / General Link Mechanical Material definition
MATER / MATYP = 301 Material Type 301 - SLINK, ELINK or TIED
MATER / MATYP = 302 Material Type 302 - PLINK
MATER / MATYP = 303 Material Type 303 - SLINK or TIED
MATER / MATYP = 304 Material Type 304 - SLINK or TIED
MATER / MATYP = 305 Material Type 305 - COS3D
MATER / MATYP = 306 Material Type 306 - PLINK
MATER / MATYP = 307 Material Type 307 - COS3D
MATER / MATYP = 371 Material Type 371 - SLINK, ELINK or TIED - Kinematic Formulation
MATER / MATYP = 380 Material Type 380 - User-Defined Material for Cohesive Elements
MMAT / Modular Material cards
SECURE/ ENCRYTYP = MATER Secure definition for Material entity to encrypt information in the input file
SECURE/ ENCRYTYP = MMAT Secure definition for Modular Material entity to encrypt information in the input file
SECURE/ ENCRYTYP = PLY Secure definition for Ply Data entity to encrypt information in the input file
PLY / PLYDATA - General Ply Model Definition
PLY / ITYP = 0 Ply Model Type 0 - Unidirectional Composite Bi-­Phase Ply Model
PLY / ITYP = 1, MATYP = 131 Ply Model Type 1 - Unidirectional Composite Global Ply Model - Shell Elements
PLY / ITYP = 1, MATYP = 30 Ply Model Type 1 - Unidirectional Composite Global Ply Model - Solid Elements
PLY / ITYP = 2, SIGMAy Ply Model Type 2 - Isotropic Elastic­Plastic Damaging Ply Model - Single Stress-Strain Curve via Points Formulation
PLY / ITYP = 2, CURVE Ply Model Type 2 - Isotropic Elastic­Plastic Damaging Ply Model - Stress-Strain Curve via Functions Formulation
PLY / ITYP = 2, POWER Ply Model Type 2 - Isotropic Elastic­Plastic Damaging Ply Model - Power Stress-Strain Law Formulation
PLY / ITYP = 2, KRUPK Ply Model Type 2 - Isotropic Elastic­Plastic Damaging Ply Model - Krupkowski Stress-Strain Law Formulation
PLY / ITYP = 3, SIGMAy Ply Model Type 3 - Anisotropic Elastic­Plastic Ply Model - Single Stress-Strain Curve via Points Formulation
PLY / ITYP = 3, CURVE Ply Model Type 3 - Anisotropic Elastic­Plastic Ply Model - Stress-Strain Curve via Functions Formulation
PLY / ITYP = 3, POWER Ply Model Type 3 - Anisotropic Elastic­Plastic Ply Model - Power Stress-Strain Law Formulation
PLY / ITYP = 3, KRUPK Ply Model Type 3 - Anisotropic Elastic­Plastic Ply Model - Krupkowski Stress-Strain Law Formulation
PLY / ITYP = 7 Ply Model Type 7 - Fabric Composite Global Ply Model
PLY / ITYP = 8, MATYP = 131 Ply Model Type 8 - Fabric Composite Bi-Phase Ply Model
PLY / ITYP = 10 Ply Model Type 10 - User Ply Model
PLY / ITYP = 15 Ply Model Type 15 - Short Fiber Reinforced Ply Model
PLY / FAILINP = 1 Ply Failure Model Type Definition - General Ply Model Definition
PLY / FAILINP = 1, FAILTYP = 0 Ply Failure Model Type 0 - Equivalent Shear Strain Model
PLY / FAILINP = 1, FAILTYP = 1 Ply Failure Model Type 1 - Stress Tensor-Based Models
PLY / FAILINP = 1, FAILTYP = 2 Ply Failure Model Type 2 - Stress Tensor-Based Models
PLY / FAILINP = 1, FAILTYP = 3 Ply Failure Model Type 3 - Stress Tensor-Based Models
PLY / FAILINP = 1, FAILTYP = 4 Ply Failure Model Type 4 - Stress Tensor-Based Models
PLY / FAILINP = 1, FAILTYP = 5 Ply Failure Model Type 5 - Stress Tensor-Based Models
PLY / FAILINP = 1, FAILTYP = 6 Ply Failure Model Type 6 - Maximum Strain Model
PLY / FAILINP = 1, FAILTYP = 7 Ply Failure Model Type 7 - Three-Invariant Model
PLY / FAILINP = 1, FAILTYP = 8 Ply Failure Model Type 8 - User-Defined Model
PLY / FAILINP = 1, FAILTYP = 9 Ply Failure Model Type 9 - Equivalent Shear Stress Model
PLY / FAILINP = 1, FAILTYP = 10 Ply Failure Model Type 10 - Puck 2000 for Material Type 131 only (Ply Model Types 0, 1, 7, 8)
PLY / FAILINP = 1, FAILTYP = 11 Ply Failure Model Type 11 - Waas-Pineda (Ply Model Types 1 and 7 for Shells)

Permas Cards

Card Description
$COMPRESS Fluid compressibility
$CONDUCTIVITY Heat conductivity
$DAMPING Structural damping
$DENSITY Material density
$DIELECTRIC Definition of dielectricity.
$ELASTIC Linear elastic material data.
$ELCONDUCT Definition of electric conductivity.
$ENTER MATERIAL Material input bracket header line.
$FLDENS Definition of fluid material density.
$FLUID Opens the bracket for definition of a fluid material.
$GASKET Definition of material for gaskets.
$GSKLOAD Definition of the loading behavior for gasket material.
$GSKUNLOAD Definition of the unloading behavior for gasket material.
$HARDENING Hardening
$HEATCAP Heat capacity
$MATERIAL Definition of homogenous material.
$PERMEABILITY Definition of magnetic permeability.
$PLASTIC Plasticity data
$SURFABS Definition of absorption at the boundary surface of a fluid.
$THERMEXP Thermal expansion coefficients
$VOLDRAG Definition of volumetric drag of a fluid.
$YIELD Yield limit

Radioss Cards

Radioss allows you to program your own materials that can be used in a simulation. Unsupported Radioss materials and user defined Radioss materials are assigned the MAT_UNSUPPORTED card image.

HyperMesh imports unsupported materials with the MAT_UNSUPPORTED card image, and preserves their corresponding IDs and associated components.

In the MAT_UNSUPPORTED card image, all material sub-options, parameters, and data lines are supported as simple text. HyperMesh does not check the validity or syntax of any data in this mode. You must manually check the validity of the data. No editing, updating, or review of the material data is intended. Also time step calculation and mass calculation are not available for the component that refers to this material.

Card Description
/ALE/MAT Describes the ALE material.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/MAT/LAW12 (3D_COMP) Describes a solid material using the Tsai-Wu formulation that is usually used to model composites. This material is assumed to be 3D orthotropic-elastic before the Tsai-Wu criterion is reached. The material becomes nonlinear afterwards. The Tsai-Wu criterion can be set dependent on the plastic work and strain rate in each of the orthotropic directions and in shear to model material hardening. Stress based orthotropic criterion for brittle damage and failure is available. This material is a generalization and improvement of /MAT/LAW14 (COMPSO).
Note: Block Format Keyword
/MAT/B-K-EPS Describes the boundary conditions material in flow analysis (ALE or EULER). It is based on boundary material /MAT/LAW11 (BOUND) activating boundary turbulence modeling and adding 2 input lines for k - ˙ε parameters. It is compatible for 2D and 3D analysis. It is not compatible with Multi-material ALE laws, LAW37 (BIMAT) and /MAT/LAW51 (MULTIMAT).
Note: Block Format Keyword
/MAT/LAW57 (BARLAT3) Describes plasticity hardening defined by a user function and can be used only with shell elements. This is an elasto-plastic orthotropic law for modeling anisotropic materials in forming processes especially aluminum alloys. This material law must be used with property set type /PROP/TYPE9 (SH_ORTH) or /PROP/TYPE10 (SH_COMP).
Note: Block Format Keyword
/MAT/LAW20 (BIMAT) ALE multi-material law for 2D analysis.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/MAT/LAW37 (BIPHAS) Describes the hydrodynamic bi-material liquid gas material. It is not recommended to use this multi-material laws (LAW37) with Radioss single precision engine.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/MAT/LAW34 (BOLTZMAN) Describes the Boltzmann (visco-elastic) material. This law is applicable only for solid elements and can be used to model polymers and elastomers.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/MAT/LAW11 (BOUND) Describes the boundary conditions material in flow analysis (ALE or EULER). It is compatible for 2D and 3D analysis. It is not compatible with Multi-Material ALE laws, LAW37 (BIMAT) and /MAT/LAW51 (MULTIMAT). In case of turbulence, activate boundary turbulence modeling using /MAT/B-K-EPS and input κ - ˙ε boundary conditions.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/MAT/LAW15 (CHANG) Models composite shell elements, similar to LAW25. The plastic behavior is based on the Tsai-Wu criteria (/MAT/LAW25 (COMPSH) for Tsai-Wu description) and failure is based on the Chang-Chang failure criterion is used.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/MAT/LAW25 (COMPSH) Two variations of the same material LAW25 are implemented:Tsai-wu formulation and CRASURV formulation.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/MAT/LAW14 (COMPSO) Describes an orthotropic solid material using the Tsai-Wu formulation that is mainly designed to model uni-directional composites. This material is assumed to be 3D orthotropic-elastic before the Tsai-Wu criterion is reached. The material becomes nonlinear afterwards. The nonlinearity in direction 3 is the same as that in direction 2 to represent the behavior of a composite matrix material. The Tsai-Wu criterion can be set dependent on the plastic work and strain rate in each of the orthotropic directions and in shear to model material hardening. Stress based orthotropic criterion for brittle damage and failure is available. /MAT/LAW12 (3D_COMP) is an improved version of this material and should be used instead of LAW14.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/MAT/LAW24 (CONC) Models brittle elastic-plastic behavior of reinforced concrete. The law assumes that the two failure mechanisms are tensile cracking and compressive crushing of the concrete material. This keyword is compatible only with solid elements.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/MAT/LAW59 (CONNECT) Describes the Connection material, which can be used to model spotweld, welding line, glue, or adhesive layers in laminate composite material. Elastic and elastoplastic behavior in normal and shear directions can be defined. The curves that represent plastic behavior can be specified for different strain rates. This material is applicable only to solid hexahedron elements (/BRICK) and the material time-step does not depend on element height.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/MAT/LAW68 (COSSER) Describes the honeycomb material.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/MAT/LAW44 (COWPER) The Cowper-Symonds law models an elasto-plastic material. The basic principle is the same as the standard Johnson-Cook model; the only difference between the two laws lies in the expression for strain rate effect on flow stress.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/MAT/LAW22 (DAMA) This law is identical to Johnson-Cook material (/MAT/LAW2), except that the material undergoes damage if plastic strains reach a user-defined value ( εdam ). This law can be applied to both shell and solid elements.
Note: Block Format Keyword
/MAT/LAW21 (DPRAG) This law, based on Drücker-Prager yield criteria, is used to model materials with internal friction such as rock-concrete. The plastic behavior of these materials is dependent on the pressure in the material. This law is similar to LAW10 (/MAT/LAW10 (DRAGP1)); the only difference being that in this law, the pressure is input as a user-defined function of volumetric strain. This law is compatible only with solid elements.
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/MAT/LAW10 (DPRAG1) This law, based on Drücker-Prager yield criteria, is used to model materials with internal friction such as rock-concrete. The plastic behavior of these materials is dependent on the pressure in the material. This law is similar to LAW21 (/MAT/LAW21 (DRAGP)); the only difference being that in this law, the pressure is defined as a cubic function of volumetric strain, and hence requires the input of certain coefficients. This law is compatible only with solid elements.
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/MAT/LAW1 (ELAST) Defines an isotropic, linear elastic material using Hooke's law. This law represents a linear relationship between stress and strain. It is available for truss, beam (type 3 only), shell and solid elements.
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/MAT/LAW65 (ELASTOMER) Describes non-linear elastoplastic material with strain rate dependent loading and unloading behavior.
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/MAT/LAW58 (FABR_A) Describes a hyperelastic anisotropic fabric material. It uses an anisotropic coordinate system with anisotropy angle, following element deformation. The material formulation provides coupling between warp and weft directions in order to reproduce physical interaction between fibers. The shear degree of freedom is fully decoupled from the translational degrees of freedom. Optionally, nonlinear stress-strain curves for loading and unloading can be specified for warp, weft directions and in shear.
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/MAT/LAW19 (FABRI) Defines an elastic orthotropic material and is available only for shell elements. It is used to model airbag fabrics.
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/MAT/LAW33 (FOAM_PLAS) Models a visco-elastic plastic foam material. This law is applicable only for solid elements and is typically used to model low density, closed cell polyurethane foams such as impact limiters.
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/MAT/LAW70 (FOAM_TAB) Describes the visco-elastic foam tabulated material. This material law can be used only with solid elements.
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/MAT/LAW35 (FOAM_VISC) Describes a visco-elastic foam material using Generalized Maxwell-Kelvin-Voigt model where viscosity is based on Navier equations. This law is applicable only for shell and solid elements and can be used for open cell foams, polymers, elastomers, seat cushions and dummy paddings.
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/MAT/GAS Describes the gas molecular weight and specific heat coefficients.
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/MAT/LAW16 (GRAY) This material law is based on Gray EOS and Johnson-Cook yield criteria.
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/MAT/LAW52 (GURSON) This law is based on the Gurson constitutive law, which is used to model visco-elastic-plastic strain rate dependent porous metals.
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/MAT/LAW63 (HANSEL) This law describes the trip steel plastic material. This material law can be used only with shell elements.
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/MAT/LAW32 (HILL) Describes the Hill orthotropic plastic material. It is applicable only to shell elements. This law differs from LAW43 (HILL_TAB) only in the input of yield stress.
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/MAT/LAW72 (HILL_MMC) Describes the anisotropic hill material with a modified Mohr fracture criteria. This law is available for shell and solid.
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/MAT/LAW43 (HILL_TAB) Describes the Hill orthotropic material and is applicable only to shell elements. This law differs from LAW32 (HILL) only in the input of yield stress (here it is defined by a user function).
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/MAT/LAW73 Describes the Thermal Hill orthotropic material and is applicable only to shell elements. This law differs from /MAT/LAW43 (HILL_TAB) by the fact that yield stress not only depends on strain rate and plastic strain, but also on temperature (it is defined by a user table).
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/MAT/LAW28 (HONEYCOMB) Describes a three dimensional nonlinear elasto-plastic material, usually used to model honeycomb or foam material. Nonlinear elasto-plastic behavior can be specified for each orthotropic direction and shear as function of strain or volumetric strain. All degrees of freedom are uncoupled and the material is fully compressible. Tension and shear strain based failure criteria can be specified.
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/MAT/LAW4 (HYD_JCOOK) Represents an isotropic elasto-plastic material using the Johnson-Cook material model. This model expresses material stress as a function of strain, strain rate and temperature. This material may account for the nonlinear dependence between pressure and volumetric strain when corresponding equation of state is specified. A built-in failure criterion based on the maximum plastic strain is available. This material law is compatible with solid elements only.
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/MAT/LAW3 (HYDPLA) Represents an isotropic elasto-plastic material using the Johnson-Cook material model. This model expresses material stress as a function of strain and may account for the nonlinear dependence between pressure and volumetric strain when corresponding equation of state is specified. A built-in failure criterion based on the maximum plastic strain is available. This material law is compatible with solid elements only.
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/MAT/LAW6 (HYDRO) Describes the hydrodynamic viscous fluid material using a polynomial EOS.
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/MAT/LAW79 (JOHN_HOLM) Describes the behavior of brittle materials, such as ceramics and glass. The implementation is the second Johnson Holmquist model: JH-2.
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/MAT/LAW5 (JWL) Describes the Jones-Wilkins-Lee EOS for detonation products of high explosives.
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/MAT/LAW6 (K-EPS) Describes the k - ˙ε turbulence viscous material for fluid.
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/MAT/LAW40 (KELVINMAX) Describes the generalized Maxwell-Kelvin material. This law can only be used with solid elements.
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/MAT/LAW66 Models an isotropic tension-compression elasto-plastic material law using user-defined functions for the work-hardening portion of the stress-strain (plastic strain vs. stress). This law can be defined for compression and tension.
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/MAT/LAW69 This law (extension of /MAT/LAW42 (OGDEN)) defines a hyperelastic and incompressible material specified using the Ogden, Mooney-Rivlin material models. It is generally used to model incompressible rubbers, polymers, foams, and elastomers. Material parameters are computed from engineering stress-strain curve from uniaxial tension and compression tests. It is used with shell and solid elements.
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/MAT/LAW74 Describes the Thermal Hill orthotropic 3D material and is applicable only to solid elements. The yield stress may depend on strain rate, or on both strain rate and temperature.
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/MAT/LAW77 This open cell foam material law is a generalization of LAW70. It accounts for a non-viscous compressible ideal gas flow inside of the foam and its interaction with the foam structure. ALE simulation of the gas flow and Lagrangian simulation of the foam deformation is performed on the same elements system. Interaction between the gas flow and the structure is through Darcy law and direct application of the gas pressure to the structure.
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/MAT/LAW78 This law is the Yoshida-Uemori model for describing the large-strain cyclic plasticity of metals. The law is based on the framework of two surfaces theory: the yielding surface and the bounding surface. During the plastic deformation, a yield surface will move within the bounding surface and will never change its size, and the bounding surface can change both in size and location. The plastic-strain dependency of the Young's modulus and the work-hardening stagnation effect are also taken into account. Concerning SPH, it is compatible with solid only, this can be verified with the /SPH/WavesCompression test. The solid version is only isotropic. The shell version is anisotropic based on Hill criterion.
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/MAT/LAW80 Models the ultra-high strength steel behavior at high temperatures and the phase transformation phenomena from austenite to ferrite, pearlite, bainite and martensite during cooling.
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/MAT/LAW81 This law is based on Drücker-Prager yield criteria with cap. It has a strain-hardening cap model based on the principles of Foster. Plasticity has an isotropic hardening. Failure surface is limited to the standard linear Drücker-Prager relation, with symmetry around the pressure axis. This law is LAG, ALE and EULER compatible.
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/MAT/LAW82 Defines the Ogden material. This law is compatible with solid and shell elements. In general it is used to model polymers and elastomers.
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/MAT/LAW83 Describes the Connection material, which can be used to model spotweld, welding line, glue, or adhesive layers in laminate composite material. Elastic and elastoplastic behavior can be defined. The plastic behavior of the material can be coupled in normal and shear directions for corresponding strain-rates. This material is applicable only to solid hexahedron elements (/BRICK) and the material time-step does not depend on element height.
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/MAT/LAW88 Represents the behavior of a hyper-elastic material with strain rate effects. This law is generally used to model incompressible rubbers, polymers, foams, and elastomers. It is defined by a family of stress vs strain curves at different strain rates. Unloading can be represented using an unloading function or by providing hysteresis and shape factor inputs to a damage model based on energy. This law is only compatible with solid elements.
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/MAT/LAW90 Describes the visco-elastic foam tabulated material. The material can only be used with solid elements.
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/MAT/LAW93 Describes the orthotropic elastic behavior material with Hill plasticity and is applicable only to shell elements and must be used with property set /PROP/TYPE11, /PROP/TYPE17, /PROP/TYPE51, and /PROP/PCOMPP.
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/MAT/LAW94 Describes the YEOH material model, which can be used to model hyper elastic behavior. This law is only compatible with solid elements.
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/MAT/LAW95 Describes the BERGSTROM-BOYCE non-linear viscoelastic material model. It is a constitutive model for predicting the non-linear time dependency of elastomer like materials. This law is only compatible with solid elements.
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/MAT/LAW97 Describes the Jones-Wilkins-Lee-Baker EOS for detonation products of high explosives.
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/MAT/LAW41 (LEE-TARVER) Describes detonation products using an ignition and growth model of a reactive material. The Lee-Tarver model is based on the assumption that ignition starts at local hot spots in the passage of shock front and grows outward from these sites. The reaction rate is controlled by the pressure and the surface area as in a deflagration process.
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/MAT/LAW46 (LES_FLUID) Describes the viscous fluid material with sub-grid scale viscosity.
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/MAT/LAW51 (MULTIMAT) Up to four material laws can be defined: elasto-plastic solid, liquid, gas and detonation products. The material boundaries inside an element are not explicitly defined, but an anti-diffusive technique is used to avoid expansion of transition zone (/UPWIND in Radioss Starter Input).
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/MAT/LAW42 (OGDEN) Defines a hyperelastic, viscous, and incompressible material specified using the Ogden, Mooney-Rivlin material models. This law is generally used to model incompressible rubbers, polymers, foams, and elastomers. This material can be used with shell and solid elements.
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/MAT/LAW27 (PLAS_BRIT) Combines an isotropic elasto-plastic Johnson-Cook material model with an orthotropic brittle failure model. Material damage is accounted for prior to failure. Failure and damage occur only in tension. This law is applicable only for shells.
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/MAT/LAW23 (PLAS_DAMA) Models an isotropic elastic plastic material and combines Johnson-Cook material model with a generalized damage model. The law is applicable only for solid elements.
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/MAT/LAW2 (PLAS_JOHNS) Represents an isotropic elasto-plastic material using the Johnson-Cook material model. This model expresses material stress as a function of strain, strain rate and temperature. A built-in failure criterion based on the maximum plastic strain is available.
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/MAT/LAW60 (PLAS_T3) Models an isotropic elasto-plastic material using user-defined functions for the work-hardening portion of the stress-strain curve (that is, plastic strain vs. stress) for different strain rates. It is similar to LAW36, except yield stress is a nonlinear interpolation from the functions.
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/MAT/LAW36 (PLAS_TAB) Models an isotropic elasto-plastic material using user-defined functions for the work-hardening portion of the stress-strain curve (for example, plastic strain vs. stress) for different strain rates.
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/MAT/LAW75 (POROUS) Describes the P-α porous material model. This material describes ductile Porous material with Herrmann model. It only works with 8-node brick element and is not compatible with ALE.
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/MAT/LAW54 (PREDIT) Describes the predit material. This material law is only used with /PROP/TYPE36 (PREDIT).
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/MAT/LAW13 (RIGID) Models part(s) as rigid bodies.
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/MAT/LAW76 (SAMP) Describes a semi-analytical elasto-plastic material using user-defined functions for the work-hardening portion for tension, compression and shear (stress as function of strain).
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/MAT/LAW26 (SESAM) This ALE material law describes a SESAME tabular EOS, used with a Johnson-Cook yield criterion. SESAME EOS covers a wide range of phases including solids, fluids and high temperature/high density plasmas, and the well-known transitions between these various phases. It requires SESAME tables, which were developed at Los Alamos National Laboratory in USA.
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/MAT/LAW49 (STEINB) Defines an elastic plastic material with thermal softening.
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/MAT/LAW18 (THERM) Describes thermal material.
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/MAT/LAW53 (TSAI_TAB) Describes the law that is a uni-directional orthotropic elasto-plastic law and is only used with solid elements.
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/MAT/LAW64 (UGINE_ALZ) Describes the Ugine & Alz trip steel material. This material law can be used only with shell elements.
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/MAT/USERij Describes the user material.
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/MAT/LAW50 (VISC_HONEY) Describes the honeycomb material with strain rate dependency (based on material LAW28 + strain rate dependency).
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/MAT/LAW62 (VISC_HYP) Describes the hyper visco-elastic material. This law is compatible with solid and shell elements. In general it is used to model polymers and elastomers.
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/MAT/LAW38 (VISC_TAB) Describes the visco-elastic foam tabulated material and can only be used with solid elements.
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/MAT/LAW0 (VOID) Defines elements to act as a void, or an empty space.
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/MAT/LAW48 (ZHAO) Describes the Zhao material law used to model an elasto-plastic strain rate dependent materials. The law is applicable only for solids and shells. The global plasticity option for shells (N=0 in shell property keyword) is not available in the actual version.
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/VISC/PRONY This is an isotropic visco-elastic Maxwell model that can be used to add visco-elasticity to certain shell and solid element material models. The visco-elasticity is input using a Prony series.
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Samcef Cards

Card Description
.MAT, ANISOTROPIC Define the properties of one or several materials.
.MAT, ISOTROPIC Define the properties of one or several materials.
.MAT, ORTHOTROPIC Define the properties of one or several materials.