Table Create
Use the TABLE Create macro to create a tabular function card or add data to an existing card. You can use the macro to import XY data or enter the data manually.
Create a New Table Card Manually
- Click TABLE Create on the Utility menu.
Select Create/Edit Table, select the table type, for
example, TABLED1, and click Next.
The Create/Edit Table dialog opens.
- Type values in the XY table for the XY pairs you want to include in the table.
Select either Create New Table or Edit
Existing Table.
- If you selected Create New Table, type a name for the new load collector in the Name field and select a color for the load collector with the color selector button. A new load collector will be created with the table card image including the data from the XY table on the dialog.
- If you selected Edit Existing Table, choose a load collector from the Select drop-down menu. The data in the XY table will be added to the existing table card that you specified.
- Click Apply.
- Click Exit.
Create or Add Data to a Table Card from a Data File
- Click TABLE Create on the Utility menu.
Select Import Table, select the table type, for example,
TABLED1, and click Next.
The Import Table dialog opens.
In the File field, specify an XY data file.
This file must be either .csv or .txt format.
Select either Create New Table or Edit
Existing Table.
- If you selected Create New Table, type a name for the new load collector in the Name field and select a color for the load collector with the color selector button. A new load collector will be created with the table card image including the data from the XY table on the dialog.
- If you selected Edit Existing Table, choose a load collector from the Select drop-down menu. The data in the XY table will be added to the existing table card that you specified.
- Click Apply.
- Click Exit.