result tensor color
Changes the tensor color by direction.
result tensor color <direction>
result tensor color by=<value/direction>
result tensor color label=<RGB/label>
- <direction>
- Define the color for the following directions: xxp1major, yyp2mid, zzp3minor, xy, yz, and zx. Color can be defined by entering the RGB values, a color label, or a value.
- by=<value/direction>
- Enter value or direction
as the method to define the color by.
- value
- Modifies the legend's values and color.
- direction
- Modifies the color for the components or resultant by direction.
- label=<RGB/label/value>
- Define the label by the RGB values, a color label, or a value.
result tensor color xxp1major="255 0 0"
result tensor color by=value zx="255 0 0"
result tensor color by=direction xxp1major=Cyan
result tensor color label=Blue