LAW94 is a hyperelastic material model that can be used to describe incompressible
The strain energy density function of LAW94 only depends on the first strain
invariant and is computed as:
- First strain invariant
- Deviatoric stretch
The Cauchy stress is:
Material Parameters
For incompressible materials with
=1 only
are input and the Yeoh model is reduced to a
Neo-Hookean model.
- Material constants specify the deviatoric part (shape change) of the
- Parameters specify the volumetric change of the material
These six material constants need to be calculated by curve fitting material test
data. RD-E: 5600 Hyperelastic Material with Curve Input includes
a Yeoh fitting Compose script for uniaxial test data.
The Yeoh material model has been shown to model all deformation models, even if the
curve fit was obtained using only uniaxial test data.
The initial shear modulus and the bulk modulus are:
Poisson's Ratio and Material Incompressibility
LAW94 is available only as an incompressible material model.
= 0, an incompressible material is considered where,
is calculated as: