Preparing nCODE FES and ASC Files from H3D Flexbody Files
nCODE fatigue software requires that the stress modes be represented in their FES file format. MotionView allows you to convert these modes from an H3D flexbody file to the nCODE FES file.
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MotionView supports the importing of several types of CAD and FE formats.
MotionView has many pre-processing and post-processing capabilities with regards to flexible bodies, or flexbodies, for multi-body dynamics models.
MotionView has many pre-processing and post-processing capabilities with regards to flexible bodies, or flexbodies, for multi-body dynamics models.
MotionView works with a HyperWorks neutral file called H3D to represent the flexible body. This compact file format stores the necessary information for visualizing the flexbody in the pre-processing window and the modes and interface nodes in the post-processing window. It also stores the modal and nodal information.
Once an H3D file is created, it can be visualized in HyperView.
MotionView models solved in MotionSolve or Adams can be animated in HyperView. In addition, the plots for these models can also be viewed in HyperGraph.
The Fatigue Prep custom wizard generates ADAMS output files from a flexbody transient run, which can then be used in nCODE Fatigue software. Finite element fatigue requires that flexbody mode shapes be an nCODE FES file, and the flexbody modal participation factors be "n" number of DAC files, where each DAC file contains the time history of a single mode's modal participation factor.
DAC files can be imported to and exported from HyperGraph.
nCODE fatigue software requires that the stress modes be represented in their FES file format. MotionView allows you to convert these modes from an H3D flexbody file to the nCODE FES file.
nCODE fatigue software requires that each time history of modal participation factors be represented in the DAC file format, one file per time history. MotionView provides the conversion option from the ADAMS ASCII file to "n" number of DAC files, where "n" is the number of modes within the flexbody. MotionView modifies the base name accordingly so that unique filenames result.
DAC files can be converted to ABF files in two ways.
Solvers and translators supported in MotionView.
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Use the FMU tool to add a Functional Mock-up Unit and connect it to a multi-body model.
MotionView supports a limited version of interface with HyperWorks Collaboration Tools.
Reference material for the HyperWorks Desktop scripting interface which is a set of Tcl/Tk commands.
Reference materials for the MotionView MDL Language, Tire Modeling, and the MDL Library.
Reference material detailing command statements, model statements, functions and the Subroutine Interface available in MotionSolve.
Reference material for Templex (a general purpose text and numeric processor) and additional mathematical functions and operators.
Reference materials for the MotionView Python Language.
MotionView help for HyperWorks.
MotionView has many pre-processing and post-processing capabilities with regards to flexible bodies, or flexbodies, for multi-body dynamics models.
MotionView has many pre-processing and post-processing capabilities with regards to flexible bodies, or flexbodies, for multi-body dynamics models.
nCODE fatigue software requires that the stress modes be represented in their FES file format. MotionView allows you to convert these modes from an H3D flexbody file to the nCODE FES file.
nCODE fatigue software requires that the stress modes be represented in their FES file format. MotionView allows you to convert these modes from an H3D flexbody file to the nCODE FES file.
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