Altair HyperView 2022.2 Release Notes



  • Quick Hotspot Tool
  • Strain Linearization
  • HWC – Editing of multiple notes or measures with a single command
  • Support for EDEM results in HyperView

New Features

Quick Hotspot Tool
This new tool offers a quick and easy way to identify the hotspot entity (maximum or minimum) within a particular selection and attaches a Note to it displaying the ID and value.
In Auto-create mode, one can run several window-based searches consecutively and create multiple Notes. The Note settings such as text, font, color, and so on can be configured using the options menu before running the search.

Figure 1.
Strain Linearization
The Extract-Linearize tool now also supports Linearization of Strain data. The procedure for Strain linearization is the same as that of Stress and the tool can output the data either as HyperGraph curves or as a CSV report.

Figure 2.
Command Recording
HWC (HyperWorks Command language) coverage, which allows you to record and playback workflows in HyperView, has been expanded to support the following features:
  • HWC support for Notes, Measures, and Assemblies. They are now supported by the show/hide commands and can be marked to modify their properties.

    Figure 3.
  • Multiple Models Support Phase 1 – A first set of commands can be applied to all or a selected range of overlaid models.

    Figure 4.
  • Trace Line Curves Support – Creating of trace line curves can now be fully automated. Together with the multi-select range syntax support the creation of trace line plots can be done in two simple lines of code.

    Figure 5.


  • HyperWorks – HyperView is enhanced to support two mouse controls Presets – Default and Legacy. The legacy mode also offers legacy functionalities such as Circle Zoom, Vertical Zoom, and Tumble. Note that individual mouse controls are not yet configurable in HyperView.

    Figure 6.
  • New options to specify X-axis are introduced in the Extract-Linearize Tool.

    Figure 7.
  • System Creation Tool in HyperView supports additional Axis-Plane options when creating rectangular coordinate systems.

    Figure 8.
  • Up-down arrows to cycle through the models/subcases/steps is added to the respective drop-down menus in the Results browser of HyperWorks – HyperView.

    Figure 9.
  • Extended Entity Selection > By ID dialog is enhanced to allow copy-pasting a row or column of IDs directly from a table. The tool will internally reformat the input and select the entities.
  • An options menu is added to the Measure tool to allow you to specify preferences such as precision and format upfront.

    Figure 10.

Known Issues

The following known issues will be addressed in a future release:
  • Legacy mouse controls are not available on Linux.
  • Dark theme support: certain entity colors do not invert properly when capturing an image or publishing from the application in dark theme; handling of colors when loading a session saved in light theme into a session in dark theme and vice versa.
  • H3D embedded within HTML pages will not play in most browsers except Internet Explorer as the plug-in has been disabled by these browsers for security reasons. Alternative options are being investigated.
  • For HWC, the application can freeze if you open a file browser by clicking in the HWC Intellisense pop-up window. Changing the focus two times using ALT+Tab restores the application. This only happens when you start HyperView on Windows and then switch to another client, such as HyperGraph.
  • Reports and images captured in light and dark themes may have on-screen background colors instead of white. As a workaround, please go to File > Preferences > Capture > Image and Video Capture and set Background/Foreground color to Automatic.

Resolved Issues

  • Incorrect time step shown when querying envelope loadcase with averaged results.
  • Build Plots tool does not work plot strain data correctly on certain Radioss result files with layer-based results.
  • Application error when trying to use imported hotspot queries on a model without corresponding definitions.
  • Selection by contour min or max is available via setting then environment variable HW_ENABLE_MinMax_Window to 1.
  • Scalar extract of MaxShear derived result shows N/A when corner data is enabled.
  • Mismatch in column headers and values in exported .csv file of cached query results for Vector definitions.
  • GetValueList API does not return correct values when querying tensors for multiple layers inside a For loop.
  • Application error when loading a model in a new page after adding an image plane in a previous page.
  • Traced nodes are highlighted on non-active model while adding nodes to an active model.
  • Performance improvement on reading LS-DYNA input deck having multiple includes.
The following issues in HyperView – Upfront Loader profile have been resolved:
  • Application hangs when finding hotspots on all subcases.
  • Opening a session file loads all definitions irrespective of loading status at the time of saving. With this fix, only fully loaded definitions will be loaded upon opening a session file.
HWC - Command Recording:
  • Using multiple interactive HWC “select” commands in a Tcl script does not stop the script at each selection.
  • When a tensor plot is created via the tensor panel with resolved system set to ply or material the corresponding HWC command is not recorded.
  • The HWC command to export reports failed when it was used in Tcl batch scripts.
  • The HWC selection widget shows the wrong cursor icon on LINUX.

Solver Interfaces

ANSYS Interface


  • Support ANSYS 2022 R1 results.


New Features

Support EDEM Results
HyperView is now able to open DEM Files. The Data Folder and H5 Files are also required. Results supported: Displacement, Velocity, Angular Velocity, Total Force, Torque, Compressive Force and Particle.

Figure 11.

LS-DYNA Interface

Resolved Issues

  • Correct Volume and Mass Fractions, for ALE Analyses.

Nastran Interface


  • Support Initial Contact Status for OP2 and HDF5 Results.
  • Support Glue Contact Forces for HDF5 and OP2 Results.
  • Support Acoustic Pressure Results.

Resolved Issues

  • Crash when an empty Linear Buckling Load Case was selected.
  • Read Nonlinear Solid Element’s Stress and Strain, for HDF5 Format.



  • Display Modal Mass and Damping Information, for Modal Analyses.


New Features

Customized File Menus
Customized client-specific entries in the “File” menu can be created. By referencing filemenu.xml files in the root extension.xml file, you can load client-specific plugin features.

Figure 12.


Unloading of Extensions
Extensions are now unloaded without the need to restart. The customized ribbons, drop-down menus, and toolbars are no longer visible.
Initialization of glocal Tcl scripts
In 2022.1, the initialization of client-specific Tcl scripts was introduced. In 2022.2 this is enhanced with the initialization of global Tcl scripts in the global section of the extension.xml file, which allows you to load procedures available for all clients/profiles.

Figure 13.

Resolved Issues

  • The error handling of corrupt XML files has been improved.

Known Issues

  • The newly added customized file menus will not be unloaded and are still visible. The unloading of these file menus will be supported in HyperWorks 2022.3.