NVH Director 2022.2 Release Notes


  • Deterministic Optimization Workflow in Noise, Vibration and Harshness (NVH)

New Features

Deterministic Optimization workflow in Noise, Vibration and Harshness (NVH)
A new option in the Analysis Manager to define optimization set-up for the selected analysis. The new options allow you to create design variables for materials, gages, connections and modal parameters. There are options to create design responses, constraints and objectives for the user-defined loadcases and submit the optimization for OptiStruct. The complete optimization set-up can be saved in an Assembly XML file for review and reuse. A new post-processing utility is developed to post-process the optimization results. A very powerful, efficient and end-to-end workflow for deterministic optimization for pre-processing, solving and post-processing.


Deterministic Optimization
  • Enhancement to define mass and volume as design responses. This allows you to set-up NVH optimization problems for vehicle weight reduction initiatives while maintaining vehicle NVH performance.
  • Enhancement to define the relation between design variables. This allows you to link and maintain the relation between design variables for optimization to objectives and constraints. For example, mount rates for suspension, engine, and can have the same values between symmetric sides.
  • Enhancement to read the sensitive variables from Design Sensitivity Analysis and define them as design variables for optimization.
Design Sensitivity Analysis
  • Pre-processing: Enhancement to define materials and properties to be defined as design variable for sensitivity analysis.
  • Post-processing: Enhancement to export sensitive variables for a particular response/frequency in a separate .csv file. This .csv file can then be imported in the optimization feature to define these as design variables.
NVH Process Managers
Migration of NVH Process Managers in HyperWorks NVH to a new framework to improve the user experience in HyperWorks NVH.
Modal FRF
  • Enhancement to convert the NVH responses from displacement to velocity to acceleration, and vice-versa.
  • Enhancement to calculate derived quantities for NVH responses, such as rms, rss, and average for the frequency range of interest.
  • Enhancement to define multiple subcases.

Resolved Issues

  • Issue related to displacement transfer functions in FRF-to-CDS utility.
  • Issue related to Modal Assurance Criteria (MAC) calculation for modal results in cylindrical coordinate systems.