
Create bushings between the selected surfaces of the parts.

With bushings, you can create connections with multi-directional stiffness and mass properties between two set of surfaces of two parts. This helps capture the physics and more accurately correlate results within an assembly.​

Create Bushings

Bushings can only be created between two surfaces of two parts. You need to define at least the linear or rotational stiffness. Mass is optional.

You can create a bushing with the default properties or create a bushing with the same properties as the previously selected bushing.
  1. On the Structures ribbon, select the Bushings tool.

  2. Do one of the following:
    • To create a bushing with the default properties, select the surfaces of two parts between which you want to create a bushing.
    • To create a bushing with the same properties as the previously selected bushing, select a surface.
    Note: While holding down Ctrl, click to multi-select and deselect.
  3. In the guide panel, enter at least one linear stiffness property (TX, TY, TZ) or one rotational stiffness property (RX, RY, RZ).
  4. Enter the Mass.
  5. Click Create the Bushing .

  6. In the microdialog, you can do the following:
    Option Description
    Align to Global Axes

    Align to the global axes.

    Translate or rotate using the Move tool.

    Add/remove faces from the selected bushings.
    Set Origin X Set the origin coordinate in the X direction.
    Set Origin Y Set the origin coordinate in the Y direction.
    Set Origin Z Set the origin coordinate in the Z direction.
  7. To create more bushings, repeat Steps 2–6.
  8. Right-click and mouse through the check mark to exit, or double-right-click.

Edit Bushings

Select one or more bushings to change their properties.

To review all bushings and edit their names and properties in one place, see Open the Bushings Table.

  1. On the Structures ribbon, select the Bushings tool.

  2. Select the bushings that you want to edit.
    Note: While holding down Ctrl, click to multi-select and deselect.
  3. In the guide panel, you can change or add new linear stiffness properties (TX, TY, TZ) or rotational stiffness properties (RX, RY, RZ).
    Note: If multiple bushings with different properties are selected, the fields will be blank.
  4. You can change the Mass.
  5. Click Create the Bushing .
    The changes will be applied.
  6. In the microdialog, you can do the following:
    Option Description
    Align to Global Axes

    Align to the global axes.

    Translate or rotate using the Move tool.

    Add/remove faces from the selected bushings.
    Set Origin X Set the origin coordinate in the X direction.
    Set Origin Y Set the origin coordinate in the Y direction.
    Set Origin Z Set the origin coordinate in the Z direction.
  7. Right-click and mouse through the check mark to exit, or double-right-click.

Open the Bushings Table

Review all bushings and edit their names and properties in one place.

  1. On the Structures ribbon, select Open Bushings Table.

    The Bushings table is displayed.

  2. You can edit the names and properties of all bushings here.
  3. Right-click and mouse through the check mark to exit, or double-right-click.