PAM-CRASH 2G Interface 2022.2 Release Notes

Altair HyperMesh

New Features

PAM-CRASH Solver Version 2022
The latest new Pamcrash2G2022 solver profile is now supported.


CDATA Handling
Improvement in the export location of CDATA keyword data block. When CDATA card has the Solver keyword information or details, then it is placed above the referred Solver keyword.
IP Impact Tool
Exposed the IP Impact Tool in the PAM-CRASH interface.

Resolved Issues

  • Resolved Contacts Keyword export issue for Friction Type which is now set by default as ‘CONST'.
  • Resolved Material Import Export issue with OSR and NDP card ‘BLANK’ entries.
  • ID Parametrization is retained for CDATA / keyword upon Import and Export of a solver deck.