Radioss Interface 2022.2 Release Notes

Altair HyperMesh

New Features

New Slipring Entity
The Slipring entity is introduced to support the solver keywords /SLIPRING/SPRING and /SLIPRING/SHELL.
New Retractor Entity
The Retractor entity is introduced to support the solver keywords /RETRACTOR/SPRING.


Keywords support
The following keywords are now supported: /MAT/114, /MAT/119
The following Engine keywords are now supported: /ANIM/GPS/STRESS/TENS, /ANIM/GPS/STRAIN/TENS, /DYNAIN, /MASS/RESET, /DTTSH
The following keywords have been updated: /PROP/TYPE9, /PROP/TYPE10, /PROP/TYPE11, /PROP/TYPE16, /PROP/TYPE17, /PROP/TYPE26, /PROP/TYPE51, /MAT/LAW24, /MAT/LAW78, /STACK
Entity Selections in Keywords Entity Editor
In HyperWorks, some entities allowed to be selected in keywords were not inline with the solver definition. For example, selection of Nodes or Elements in /INTER keywords. Those inconsistencies have been corrected and the selection of entities does push to selection through panels anymore.
To facilitate the creation of Sets in /INTER keywords, new context menu options on the Set entity selector have been added to automatically create sets based on Nodes, Elements, or Components selection.
Mass/COG/MOI Calculations
The following improvements have been made in the Mass Measurement tool:
  • Solver Mass entity is made selectable.
  • Ply entity is made selectable.
The following improvements have been made in the Mass Summary tool:
  • Results display in table per Assemblies or per Includes
  • Sorting of values in column
  • Correction of Mass/COG/MOI values on Assembly level

Resolved Issues

  • Issues with Inputs value in /PROP/TYPE20, TYPE21, and TYPE22 have been corrected.
  • Issue reading keywords with Sensor referenced. The Sensor was read as Unresolved entity. This issue is now fixed.
  • Issue reading /INIBRI/STRS_F and /INIBRI/STRS_FGLO when the element type is a TETRA4. This issue is now fixed.