
Generate surface/volume mesh by defining mesh controls, or interactively create and edit 2D surface mesh.

Models can be meshed by defining controls and running batch mesh. You can interactively mesh surfaces in case of failure or specific mesh flow requirements. In addition, individual elements can also be modified manually to fix issues or improve element quality in problem areas.

Attention: The icons shown on the ribbon below are used to complete this workflow. Click an icon to learn more about the tool.
Use the Surface tool to define local mesh settings on selected surfaces. Use the Edge tool to define local mesh settings on selected edges. Use the Gap tool to define mesh refinement settings based on gaps between surfaces. Use the Angle tool to define mesh refinement settings based on angles between surfaces. Use the Boundary Layer tool to define boundary layer mesh settings on selected surfaces. Use the Volume Mesh tool to define local volume mesh sizes on individual solids. You can also choose different volume mesh settings, such as defining layers on thin regions and quality controls. Use the Zones tool to define mesh refinement settings by shape. These controls provide the capability to get mesh refinement on surfaces enclosed in defined boxes, spheres, and cylinders. Use the Surface tool to interactively create mesh on select surfaces by defining element size. Use the Interactive tool to interactively create mesh on select surfaces by controlling mesh size, type, mapping, and edge seeding. Use the Volume tool to run a surface + volume mesh on the entire model. Use the Quality Report tool to check the quality of surface and volume mesh. Use the Extrusion tool to create hex mesh on extruded geometry. This is useful for creating mesh for 2D simulations and layered mesh on simplified geometry. Use the Repair tool to find, review, and fix issues in the mesh. Use the Convert tool to tessellate b-spline geometry and convert to mixed or discrete geometry. Use the Fix tool to improve the quality of an FE (discrete/mesh) model. Use the Edge Layer tool to generate layers from selected edges during surface meshing. Use the No Boundary Layer tool to define surfaces on which boundary layers should not be created nor imprinted.