Post Browser

Use the Post Browser to create, edit, and review post-processing visualizations and measurements.

To open the Post Browser, click View > Post Browser from the menu bar.
Note: The Post Browser is only available when working in the Post ribbon.

The Post Browser contains the model's parts, boundary visualizations, and defined post-processing entities.

You can use the following context menu options, in addition to standard functions like show/hide/isolate, while in the browser:

Provides a summary of the number of nodes, elements, and maximum and minimum values of each variable on the surface or dataset.
Restriction: This function only works for single selections. Multi-select is not yet supported.
New Collection
Available on the Boundary Collections heading.
Creates a new boundary collection set. Default places all surfaces in a boundary group called "unassigned". You can also create collections By Surface Outputs, By Boundaries, By Radiation Surfaces, and By Solar Radiation.
Make Current
Controls which collection new boundary groups are added to.
When you create new boundary group by selecting surfaces, those surfaces will be removed from the existing boundary group.
Delete Empty Boundary Groups
Delete empty boundary groups in a collection.
Quickly jump into the entity's corresponding tool and change any options.
Create Subcollection
Available for boundary collections, boundaries, and boundary groups.
Splits them into further collections. Drag and drop to organize existing subcollections.
Remove From Subcollection
Remove selected from its current subcollection.
Delete Empty Subcollection
Delete subcollections that do not contain anything.

Figure 1.

Multiple Datasets

Multiple sets of data can be imported into the same session. After opening the first dataset, use File > Import to load others.

All datasets are rendered in the browser. The datasets are visible in the modeling window and you can control the visibility of any item of any dataset using the browser.

However, only active dataset entities can be selected in the modeling window and in tools like Slice Planes, Streamlines, and so on. Make a dataset active by right-clicking on in it in the browser and selecting Make Current.

To delete a dataset, right-click on it and select Delete.

Figure 2.

Particle Datasets

HyperWorks CFD Post supports the import of datasets that contain particles. The particles are automatically identified and classified as a separate data type in the Post Browser. Particle datasets have only two different display types available: Points and Vectors

The size of the points can be controlled through the top-most options menu in the display properties microdialog.

Figure 3.