Browsers supply a great deal of view-related functionality by listing the parts of a model in a tabular and/or tree-based
format, and providing controls inside the table that allow you to alter the display of model parts.
FE geometry is topology on top of mesh, meaning CAD and mesh exist as a single entity. The purpose of FE geometry
is to add vertices, edges, surfaces, and solids on FE models which have no CAD geometry.
Tools and workflows that are dedicated to rapidly creating new parts for specific use cases, or amending existing
parts. The current capabilities are focused on stiffening parts.
Use the Create Table tool to create a table on which the airbag will be folded.
This is a shell part that will be rigid. The dimensions are computed from the size of
the airbag, and the elements are regularly and equally spread. The meshing line can
then be used as an indicator of the positions.
You should start with an airbag model with properties, materials and contacts.
From the Airbag Solutions ribbon, click the
Create Table tool.
Figure 1.
On the guide bar, click to define
folding options.
Folds Directory: Defines where the file will be saved.
Gap: Defines the gap between the airbag and the table.
On the guide bar, click
Select the airbag components.
A microdialog opens.
Make your selections in the microdialog.
Set advanced selections as necessary by clicking on the guide bar.