Run OSSmooth

  • Run OSSmooth from the command line.
    1. Enter ossmooth <prefix>.oss.
  • Run OSSmooth from the HyperMesh OSSmooth tool.
    1. From the Optimization ribbon, click the arrow next to the Design Interpretation tool set name and select OSSmooth.
    2. In the dialog, choose either Geometry, FEA reanalysis, or Ply shape for the design interpretation.
    3. In the file field, select the OptiStruct input file (<prefix.fem> and/or <> and/or <prefix.grid >).
    4. Edit the OSSmooth parameters.
    5. Click Run.

    OSSmooth (for geometry) will write a new <prefix.oss> file with the screen settings and load the geometry recovered into HyperMesh if the data format is IGES, STL, or Nastran. FEA topology and FEA topography will update the model in HyperMesh without outputting the result; if required, data can be exported from HyperMesh.

    OSSmooth invoked from the OSSmooth tool in HyperMesh checks out 42 HyperWorks Units (21 leveled and 21 stacked).