The options on the RADIOSS One Step Macro menu include the following:
Model |
Description |
HF |
Import a HyperForm file saved in an earlier session. |
Directly import external CAD files. Commonly used, supported file formats include: CATIA, IGES, STL, PDGS, VDAFS, UG18 and UG_NX. |
FE |
Directly import input decks corresponding to different FE solvers. Commonly used, supported solver formats include: OptiStruct, Nastran, ANSYS, Abaqus, LS-DYNA, RADIOSS, PAM-CRASH 2G, MoldFlow, C-Mold, etc. |
Reorganize your database by copying or moving entities among collectors. |
Opens the R Mesh macro. |
Takes you to the Automesh panel. This panel allows you to create meshes or remesh existing meshing interactively or automatically on surfaces or groups of elements. |
Verify the basic quality of your elements. The element quality check values have been pre-set for a typical one-step analysis. |
Setup |
Description |
Orient the part in a formable position with the assumption that the stamping direction is along the global z-axis. See the Autotipping panel for more information on this feature. |
Create a new material or select one from the library. |
Create a new component and assign attributes such as elements, material, and thickness to a part. |
Specify boundary conditions. |
Setup a blankholder with an appropriate clamping force. |
Set up the drawbeads and the corresponding restraining forces. |
Save |
Save your file. |
Launch a One-Step analysis. |
Results |
Description |
This displays the initial blank shape and writes out an IGES data file of the initial blank profile. |
View both initial and final deformed shape of the part. |
View the contours of thinning per cent after forming. |
View the formability contours on the part along with a FLD plot. |
Opens the Blank Fit macro. |
Generate Report |
Create an HTML-based or PowerPoint presentation containing results from the forming analysis. Choose from among five result types and export as H3D, JPEG, or AVI files. Note: End users of the resulting report must have the HyperView Player (7.0 SP1,SA-042 and above) installed to take full advantage of the animation features in the report. |