Altair SimSolid 2022.2 Release Notes


Highlights of this release include:
  • Linear buckling analysis
  • Random fatigue analysis
  • Fatigue stress history
  • Structural envelope
  • Relative displacement
  • Gas body

New Features

Linear buckling analysis
Linear buckling analysis, also known as Euler buckling analysis, is now supported. To perform buckling analysis, link to a structural linear analysis with a reference load. Buckling load factors are then calculated by solving an eigenvalue problem.
Random fatigue analysis
Random fatigue analysis is now supported for SN and EN method. Random fatigue analyzes fatigue life of a structure under random loading. The input to perform random fatigue analysis is PSD stresses from a random analysis. Four damage models including Dirlik, Lalanne, Narrow and Steinberg are supported. Von Mises stress combination is used to perform random fatigue.
Gas body
Creation of gas bodies is now supported. Gas bodies can be used to represent gas in insulated glass units (IGUs) of a building structure. Access this feature through the Assembly workbench.
Structural envelope
Structural envelope is now supported under Post study. This study is used to identify the most significant loading condition out of all the selected structural analyses. There are three types currently supported including Min, Max and Extreme, where the Min finds the minimum values among all the selected analysis, Max finds the maximum values among all the selected analysis and Extreme finds the absolute maximum values.
Relative displacement
A new tab is available under Pick info for structural analysis to calculate the relative displacement between two points. You can create a segment using a start point, starting from a datum point, or using a custom definition. You can also define a search depth to restrict creation of segments to within a certain tolerance.
The outputs available are the initial gap, final gap, final gap along the segment, relative displacement along the segment, and relative displacement perpendicular to the segment. Failure criteria can be defined to understand open-close and/or stick-slip condition between the two end points of the segment.
Fatigue stress history
Fatigue stress history is now available for Von Mises, signed Von Mises, major principal stress, and minor principal stress. The stress history is available for all the events defined in SN/EN time fatigue analysis. You can pick a Time History Step from the stress history and create a structural analysis based on defined channels and their load amplification factors. This step is currently supported for force loads only.


  • Independent base excitation with displacement is now supported for frequency dynamic analysis.
  • Independent dynamic function can now be defined along each direction for all dynamic analysis. This is supported for force load, translational inertia, and base excitation.
  • Random dynamic analysis now supports output of velocity and acceleration. If base excitation is used, absolute responses are now available for displacements, velocities, and acceleration.
  • All responses can now be plotted along a local coordinate system from Pick info.
  • Reactions can be plotted for multiple selections of supports and connections for dynamic analysis.
  • All fatigue channel groups now include a uniform channel you can use to include preloading effects such as bolt tightening into fatigue simulation.
Spot welds
  • Standalone spot welds can now be created between two, three and four layers of sheets.
  • Spot welds can be created between two, three and four layers of sheets by importing data from a CSV.
  • Spot welds created by importing a CSV now support creation using user-defined part names.
  • Batchmode now supports deleting and importing parts into an existing design study.
  • Batchmode now supports defining the number of cores to be used for the job.
Updated CAD import formats
The list of supported CAD formats is updated:
File Formats Supported Versions
CATIA V5 (.CATPart, .CADProduct) R10 to R32
Pro/Engineer (.prt, .asm) 13 to Creo 9
SOLIDWORKS (.sldpart, .sldasm) 99 to 2022
Parasolid (.x_t) All to 35
NX/Unigraphics (.prt) 11 to NX CR 2007
  • Solution performance of non-linear material analysis is improved. The jobs now run up to 2X faster, while the memory footprint dropped by up to 50%.
  • Rotations are now output for structural analysis.
  • Laser welds can now be created from a solid.
  • Structural superposition study now includes reactions from the supports.
  • Loadcases can be copied within a multi-loadcases analysis.
  • Improvements to bearing load direction definition.
  • Units are now included when reactions are exported to a CSV.
  • Bulk import of materials into the database is improved. The errors/warnings are now summarized.
  • Face and part selection for the boundary conditions is improved.
  • Improved feedback for non-linear contact solutions.

Known Issues

  • Issues with linear guide rail under virtual connectors.

Resolved Issues

  • Wireframe mode is supported with spacemouse.
  • Issues related to creating frequency functions from boundary condition dialog for frequency multi-loadcases.
  • Refresh issues while reviewing seam weld reactions.
  • Issues related to re-evaluating part parameters with project initialization.
  • Issues related to saving imported forces.
  • Issues related to propagating data to local studies and linked analysis.
  • Issues related to mapping local coordinate system into subsequent design studies.
  • Issues related to part recognition.
  • Issues related to calculation of bolt axial force from applied Torque.
  • Issues retaining random colors for the parts.
  • Issues importing materials into the database when the import units for stresses are set to MPa.
  • Performance issues related to opening a project file.
  • Graphical issues handling large STL files.
  • Issues importing data from a CSV file with several errors.
  • Issues related to plotting strain energies for orthotropic materials.
  • Numerical instabilities with some geometries.
  • Issues related to applying convection on spots.
  • Issues with importing part names with the geometry.
  • Fixed issues related to prestressed modes by including trial vectors from linked analysis.
  • Several crashes are fixed.