Altair SimSolid 2022.3.1 Release Notes

New Features

Named-user license
SimSolid Advanced is now available as a named-user license.


Seam Weld Reactions
Seam weld reactions have been improved to include the following:
  • Failure criteria is now available for seam weld forces and stresses.
  • Seam weld forces now include the minimum and maximum seam weld forces and moments per unit length.
  • Seam weld stresses can now include stresses for user-defined sections in addition to the average stresses across the entire weld.
  • Maximum normal and shear stresses are available in addition to the average stresses.
  • Equivalent stresses are also available for the entire weld and weld sections.

Resolved Issues

  • Numerical instabilities with thin-walled structures.
  • Issues with duplicate and discontinuous welds.
  • Display issues when loadcase-channel map file is imported to perform fatigue analysis.
  • Several crashes.