Main functionalities

Manage databases

The first step in this context is to choose a database. The actions for database management are presented in the table below:

Command Access Function
Create a database Create a database with a name and a saving location
Load a database Load an existing database in the materials manager in order to manage its materials
Unload a database Unload a database when there is no more need to manage its materials

Manage materials

Once the database is chosen, it is then possible to manage its materials. The materials management actions are presented in the table below:

Command Access Function
Create a material Create a new material
Delete a material Delete an existing material
Modify a material or double-click Modify the data of a material
Copy/Paste a material

Drag&drop material

Copy/Paste a material into same or another database
Import a material Import a python file comprised of the creation commands for the materials
Python export of a material Export the python commands for materials creation into a python file

Manage materials data

Once the material is created or opened, it is then possible to manage its general data and properties. The materials data management actions are presented in the table below:

Command Access Function
Associate general data to the material Associate general data
Associate properties to the material

Access to the magnetic property:

It is possible to associate magnetic, electric, dielectric and thermal properties to the material.
  Access to the model choice:

Associate an analytical or a numerical model to a property
Copy or replace a property

Contextual menu:

Copy and paste on the material or drag & drop

Copy a material property into another material (add or replace)

General commands

The general management commands are presented in the table below:

Command Access Function
Save Saves the databases which were modified
Exit Leaves the application

Help menu: Help

Opens the Flux html help containing the material manager help