Post-processing quantities (3D)


The post-processing quantities are of two types:

  • local quantities, analyzed on all points of the study domain
  • global quantities, resulting from an integration, analyzed over the entire study domain or on a part of this domain

Local quantities

Local quantities available in 3D problems are presented in the table below.

Quantity PyFlux Unit Explanation
Scalar electric potential: V Ve V  
Electric field strength: E V/m
Current density: J A/m2
Normal component of the current density: Jn Jn A/m2
Magnetic flux density due to the currents: BJ Bj T (Biot and Savart)
Conductivity: σ Sigma S  
Resistivity: ρ Rho Ω.m  
Volume density of losses by Joule effect: dP dLossV W/m3

Global quantities

Global quantities available in 3D problems are presented in the table below.

Global quantity Name Unit Explanation
Laplace force on a conductor: Laplace Force N
Losses by Joule effect: P Losses W