HyperMesh, SimLab and OptiStruct mesh import: About


It is possible in Flux to import HyperMesh (Altair) or SimLab (Altair) mesh.

The two software are pre-processing tools: the geometry and mesh can be prepared efficiently and robustly (tools variety, execution speed and robustness etc.).

Flux user working on complex geometries who had problems to import, correct or mesh in Flux can achieve the pre-processing in one of the two software and import easily his mesh in Flux. The mesh file is in Nastran format.


SimLab is an intuitive simple tool. It is less complete than HyperMesh in terms of tools (verifying and correcting especially) but it is robust and efficient.

One of the advantages of SimLab, comparing to HyperMesh, is its capacity to recognize CAO characteristics (computer aided design) (nut and bolt, chamfers, fillets, cylinders, etc.). In this way, the meshing of complex geometries containing such components is done automatically and quickly.

For more information about SimLab : http://www.altairhyperworks.com/product/simlab


HyperMesh is a historic tool of Altair (20 years old) which is used by thousands of customers all around the world. The software offers a huge variety of useful tools, especially for the geometry and mesh verifying and correction. Because of the number of advanced tools, it can be less intuitive than SimLab. But the algorithms are in general more robust and efficient than SimLab (a geometry which cannot be meshed in SimLab with default options can be meshed sometimes in HyperMesh).

For more information about HyperMesh:



OptiStruct is a solving and post processing tool for structural analysis in linear/nonlinear and static/dynamic.

For more information about OptiStruct:


OptiStruct is encapsulated in HyperMesh and works from HyperMesh mesh. The workflow to export and import the mesh is the same as for HyperMesh (only the mesh file extension change).