Calculate Angles
The Calculate angles macro enables you to calculate spatial and planar angles between points.

Figure 1. Macros Menu > Calculate Angles Macro
Option | Description |
Select first point | Use the Point collector to select the first point. |
Select vertex | Use the Point collector to select the vertex point. |
Select third point | Use the Point collector to select the third point. |
Select reference marker | Use the Marker collector to select the marker to define the reference frame of the results. |
Absolute Angle | The spatial angle created by the three points. |
XY In Reference | The angle projected to the reference marker's XY plane. |
YZ In Reference | The angle projected to the reference marker's YZ plane. |
ZX In Reference | The angle projected to the reference marker's ZX plane. |
XY Global | The angle projected to the global XY plane. |
YZ Global | The angle projected to the global YZ plane. |
ZX Global | The angle projected to the global ZX plane. |