User Signals for Altair Driver
This system contains five signals which are used by driver for multiple use cases.

Figure 1.
- Open Loop Signals or User defined
This block would link up the solver variable attached as Signal 0 as the throttle signal.
- Open loop signals – expressions through ADF.User can directly override the solver variable through ADF file.
$------------------OPEN_LOOP_STEER [OPEN_LOOP_EXPRESSION] TAG = 'OPENLOOP' TYPE = 'EXPRESSION' SIGNAL_CHANNEL = 1 EXPRESSION = ‘SIN(TIME/2)’ $-----------------------------------------------------
This block would override the solver variable attached as Signal 1 to produce a sinusoid of amplitude 1 (angle model units) and frequency of 2 Hz.
- The above two methods are also used to generate control signals for feedback signals.
$-------------------------------------FOLLOW_PATH [LONG_PID_CONTROLLER] TAG = 'PID' TYPE = 'FOLLOW_VELOCITY' DEMAND_SIGNAL = 'DEMAND_SPEED' $------------------Read from demand signal block KP = 100 KD = 20 KI = 10 $--------------------------------------DEMAND_SPEED [DEMAND_SPEED] TYPE = 'EXPRESSION' SIGNAL_CHANNEL = 2 EXPRESSION = '10 + 5*SIN(TIME/3)'
These blocks are used to instantiate feedback traction controller which follows a control signal ’10 + 5*SIN (TIME/ 3)’.