スクリプト – INIRC 88標準によるRADHAZ安全領域
このスクリプトは、近傍界の計算値と労働安全限度値に対するINIRC 88標準を使用して近傍界の評価結果を生成します。
INIRC 88による正規化しきい値
-- This example illustrates how advanced calculations -- can be performed to display radiation hazard zones. -- The INIRC 88 standards are used. nf = pf.NearField.GetDataSet("yagi.StandardConfiguration1.nf3D") function calculateRADHAZThresholds(index, nf) -- Get a handle on the indexed near field point local nfPt = nf[index] -- Set up the threshold according to the standards -- Frequency in MHz local freq = nfPt:AxisValue(pf.Enums.DataSetAxisEnum.Frequency)/1e6 local EfieldLimit = 3*math.sqrt(freq) local HfieldLimit = 0.008*math.sqrt(freq) -- SCALE THE ELECTRIC FIELD VALUES -- Scale the values to indicate percentages. The percentage represents -- the field value relative to the limit of the standard. nfPt.EFieldComp1 = nfPt.EFieldComp1/(EfieldLimit) nfPt.EFieldComp2 = nfPt.EFieldComp2/(EfieldLimit) nfPt.EFieldComp3 = nfPt.EFieldComp3/(EfieldLimit) -- SCALE THE MAGNETIC FIELD VALUES -- Scale the values to indicate percentages. The percentage represents -- the field value relative to the limit of the standard. nfPt.HFieldComp1 = nfPt.HFieldComp1/(HfieldLimit) nfPt.HFieldComp2 = nfPt.HFieldComp2/(HfieldLimit) nfPt.HFieldComp3 = nfPt.HFieldComp3/(HfieldLimit) end pf.DataSet.ForAllValues(calculateRADHAZThresholds, nf) -- Note that in essence, the values being returned are -- no longer near fields. As such, interpret them -- carefully in POSTFEKO. return nf