Meshing Guidelines Regarding Element Sizes

View the meshing guidelines regarding element sizes to prevent warning and errors given by the ソルバー.

Table 1. Segmentation warnings and errors.
Description Warning Error
Ratio of the segment length to the wavelength l > 0.3 λ l > 0.5 λ
Ratio of the segment radius to the segment length r > 0.3 l r>1.0l
Ratio of the triangle area to the wavelength squared (MoM RWG or order 0.5 basis function) A > 1 30 λ 2 A > 1 10 λ 2
Ratio of the triangle area to the wavelength squared (MoM order 1.5 basis function) A > 0.21 λ 2 A > 0.52 λ 2
Ratio of the triangle area to the wavelength squared (MoM order 2.5 basis function) A >0.62 λ 2 A > 1.40 λ 2
Ratio of the triangle area to the wavelength squared (MoM order 3.5 basis function) A > 0.97 λ 2 A >2.10 λ 2
Ratio of the triangle area to the wavelength squared for large element PO (if near fields present) A >2 λ 2 A >6 λ 2
Ratio of wire radius to the triangle edge length at a connection point r 3.33 l r5l
Ratio of the cuboid1 edge length to the wavelength l > 1 4 λ l > 1 2 λ
Ratio of the cuboid1 edge length to the skin depth l > 1 5 δ l > 1 3 δ
Ratio of the tetrahedral face area to the wavelength squared - VEP, FEM (first order) A > 0.033 λ 2 A > 0.108 λ 2
Ratio of the tetrahedral face area to the wavelength squared - FEM (second order) A > 0.047 λ 2 A > 0.433 λ 2
Ratio of the FEM boundary tetrahedral face area to the wavelength squared A > 0.033 λ 2 A > 0.108 λ 2
Ratio of the area of the triangle on a waveguide port to the smallest modal period squared A> 1 30 T 2 A > 1 10 T 2
Ratio of the wire radius to the voxel size r > 0.49 r > 0.5
Voxel aspect ratio A R 15 A R 200
1 Cuboids only supported in EDITFEKO.