Visualize the Bolt Load
View the bolt forces, cross-sectional stress in the bolt, or bolt failure criterion.
- In the Project Tree, open the Analysis Workbench.
Use one of the following methods to visualize the bolt load.
Action Process View bolt forces - On the workbench toolbar, click the (Bolt/nut resultant forces) icon.
- In the modeling window, click on either a nut or a bolt to see forces listed in the Bolt/nut forces dialog.
View stress on the bolt - In the modeling window, isolate the bolts of interest.
- On the workbench toolbar, click (Results plot).
- Select the desired results to display.
Note: When the resultant axial force of the bolt/nut deviatess by over 10%, the following occurs:- In the Project Tree, a warning icon appears next to the Results branch. Right-click on the Results and select Warnings to view.
- In the Bolt/Nut forces dialog, bolts/nuts with significant deviation are marked in red and deviation from the target is listed.