Translate and Rotate Objects

Use the Move tool to translate and rotate selected objects.

  1. From the Home tools, click the Move tool.

    Figure 1.

    Or press M or T.

  2. Select objects to move.
    The Move tool is placed the center of selected objects.
  3. Click a graphical manipulator then do one of the following:
    • Drag the graphical manipulator to translate or rotate objects in the selected direction(s).
    • Enter a precise value in the microdialog and press Enter.
    To Do This
    Translate along an axis Click the X, Y, or Z arrow.

    Figure 2.
    Translate along a plane Click the XY, XZ, or YX plane square.

    Figure 3.
    Translate freely in 3D space Click the origin of the Move tool.

    Figure 4.
    Tip: Use the icons in the microdialog to align the tool to a part or the global axes.
    Rotate around an axis Click a curved arrow.

    Figure 5.
    Rotate freely Click at the tip of the X, Y, or Z arrow and drag. An axis line appears and the unresolved rotation is prompted on release.

    Figure 6.

Figure 7.

Reposition the Move Tool

Reposition the Move tool along an axis, within a plane, or in 3D space to change the center of rotation.

  1. From the Home tools, click the Move tool.

    Figure 8.

    Or press M or T.

  2. Enter editing mode in the following ways:
    • Hold Shift.
    • Double-click one of the graphical manipulators.
    The Move tool becomes orange, indicating that it is ready to be repositioned.
  3. Similar to translating and rotating, use the graphical manipulators and microdialogs to reposition the tool.
  4. Let go of Shift or right-click in empty space to exit editing mode.
    The Move tool displays in white.

Align the Move Tool to a Feature

Align the x, y, or z axis of the Move tool to a point, an edge, or a face.

  1. From the Home tools, click the Move tool.

    Figure 9.

    Or press M or T.

  2. Select one or more objects.
  3. Double-click one the graphical manipulators to enter editing mode.
  4. Click at the tip of the X, Y, or Z arrow on the Move tool then hold and drag as you move your cursor to a point, face, edge, or hole center.
    An axis line appears to help you align the tool.
  5. Right-click in empty space to exit editing mode.

Figure 10. Move Tool Aligned to a Point

Figure 11. Move Tool Aligned to an Edge

Figure 12. Move Tool Aligned to Face

Align Objects to Features

Align objects to features such as points, edges, faces, and holes using the Move tool.

  1. From the Home tools, click the Move tool.

    Figure 13.

    Or press M or T.

  2. Select one or more objects.
  3. Click at the tip of the X, Y, or Z arrow on the Move tool then hold and drag as you move your cursor to a point, face, edge, or hole center.
    An axis line appears to help you align the tool.
    • Selecting a cylindrical hole will align the selected object to the axis of the hole.
    • Click the origin of the Move tool then use the icons in the microdialog to align the tool to the selected object's local or global axes.

Figure 14. Object Aligned to a Point

Figure 15. Object Aligned to an Edge

Figure 16. Object Aligned to a Face

Figure 17. Object Aligned to a Hole

Microdialog Options

Align the Move tool its default orientation and position:
  • Click once to reset its orientation to match the global coordinate system, or local system if one is assigned.
  • Click twice to also reset its position to the centroid of your selection, or the local system origin if one is assigned.
Align the Move tool along an edge or face. If the Move tool is being repositioned (highlighted orange), clicking this button will force the Move tool to be aligned automatically as you drag it around the model.
Select and assign a local coordinate system to the Move tool. After a new system is assigned, the Move tool automatically repositions to its origin.
Note: Currently, the Move tool only supports assigning rectangular coordinate systems.
Tip: When a local system is assigned to the Move tool, the system button is shown with a tick mark , indicating that the manipulator is now in local system mode. Clicking this button again to change the assigned system, or reset it to go back to global system mode.