EDEM Analyst

The Analyst is the post-processor used to analyze and visualize the results of your simulation. You can play back the simulation, graph results, save a still image, create a video or export data.


About the Analyst
An overview of the EDEM Analyst

Reviewing Your Simulation
Use the EDEM analyst to play through the simulation and animate the results

Analyst Tree-Display
The Display options are used to define the appearance of Bulk Materials and Geometries

Analyst Tree-Setup Selections
Selections are used to study specific areas or materials within the simulation

Analyst Tree-Tools
The tools can be used to measure distance and angles between elements in the simulation

Analyst Tree-Clipping
Clipping can be used to remove regions of the simulation where

Analyst Tree-Field
The Field view shows imported field data

Saving Images
Images can be saved of individual time-steps from the simulation

Creating Videos
Videos of the simulation can be created in multiple formats

Exporting Data
Data can be exported for further analysis

Plots can be generated based on the data available in the simulation



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