Specifies a user equation in the problem.
AcuTrace Command
USER_EQUATION ("name") {parameters...}
User-given name.
- user_function (string) [no default]
- Name of the C function to use.
- num_variables or num_vars (integer) >=1 [1]
- Number of values returned by the equation, that is, the size of the output array of the equation.
- user_values (array) [={}]
- User-defined constant parameters supplied to the equation.
- user_strings (list) [={}]
- List of user-defined constant strings supplied to the equation.
- type (enumerated) [=evolve]
- Controls how the user equation is used in the particle trace. In both cases,
u is the variable advanced and f
is the user equation.
- evolve
- User equation is the right hand side of the evolution equation du/dt=f.
- evaluate
- User equation is the right hand side of u=f.
The USER_EQUATION command defines an equation that can then be included in the particle trace simulation with the user_equations parameter of the EQUATION command. The full definition of a user equation consists a user-defined function written in the C programming language plus additional constants provided by the user_values and user_strings parameters. A single C function can therefore be used to define multiple user equations by using different values of these constants in multiple USER_EQUATION commands. See the AcuTrace User-Defined Function Manual for a detailed description of user-defined functions for AcuTrace.
user_equations = {ener, temp}
USER_EQUATION( "ener" ) {
user_function = "usrEner"
num_variables = 1
user_strings = {}
user_values = {3,2}
type = evolve
USER_EQUATION( "temp" ) {
user_function = "usrTemp"
num_variables = 1
user_strings = {}
user_values = {2}
type = evaluate
#include "acusim.h"
#include "ufp.h"
Void usrEner (
UfpHd ufpHd, /* Opaque handle for accessing data */
Integer nItems, /* Number of items in outVec */
Integer vecDim, /* Vector dimension of outVec */
Real* outVec, /* Output Vector */
Real* usrVals ; /* user values */
Real* fluid ; /* fluid temperature */
Real* particle ; /* particle energy */
Real mpXcp ; /* mass * c_p for particle */
Real cond ; /* conductivity */
Real* jac ; /* source jacobian */
cond = usrVals[0] ;
mpXcp = usrVals[1] ;
t_fluid = ufpGetFlowData( ufpHd, UFP_FLOW_TEMPERATURE ) ;
h_particle = ufpGetUdfData( ufpHd, 0 ) ;
outVec[0] = -cond * ( h_particle[0] / mpXcp - t_fluid[0] ) ;
jac = ufpGetJac( ufpHd, UFP_JAC_UDF_VARIABLES ) ;
jac[0] = -cond / mpXcp ;
Void usrTemp (
UfpHd ufpHd, /* Opaque handle for accessing data */
Integer nItems, /* Number of items in outVec */
Integer vecDim, /* Vector dimension of outVec */
Real* outVec, /* Output Vector */
Real* usrVals ; /* user values */
Real* h_particle ; /* particle energy */
Real mpXcp ; /* mass * c_p for particle */
usrVals = ufpGetUsrVals( ufpHd ) ;
mpXcp = usrVals[0] ;
h_particle = ufpGetUdfData( ufpHd, "ener" ) ;
outVec[0] = h_particle[0] / mpXcp ;
In order for AcuTrace to access these functions, the source file containing them must be compiled and linked into a shared library. The scripts AcuMakeLib, under Linux, and AcuMakeDll, under Windows, may be used for this purpose.
acuMakeLib -src usrTemp.c
The shared library is automatically loaded by AcuTrace when it is run.